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Седона НЛО Тоур

• НАЈБОЉИ ВОДИЧ због искуства са пројектилима/сателитима И директног контактера<бр>• НАЈБОЉА НОЋНА ВИЗИЈА јер сви добијају 3. ген за коришћење<бр>• НАЈБОЉА ЦЕНА јер математика НИЈЕ расистичка и ви препознајете договор<бр><бр> турнеја нуди политику „одговора на свако питање“. На овој турнеји се често говори о егзополитици, технологијама свемирских летелица, типовима и локацијама ванземаљаца, историји древне Земље и соларног система, команди лунарних операција, колонији на Марсу и још много тога. ВИ водите дискусију, а Мајкл ће одговарати на питања.<бр><бр>УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: АКО имате ТДС или друго ментално стање изазвано МСМ-ом, МОЛИМ ВАС, НЕ РЕЗЕРВИРАЈТЕ ОВАЈ ОБИЛАЗАК. Ако, с друге стране, желите да се информације цензуришу негде другде, само поставите питање. Одговор који сте добили преко ЕТ контакта би вас могао одушевити!
Цити: Седона
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $110.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $110.00
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<ул><ли>Дојенчад и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ако мислите маске за лице могу зауставити вирус, вероватно не би требало да резервишете ову турнеју. Моји вршњаци су обично АП ученици у средњој школи. Понекад залазимо у зечје рупе, али смо увек свесни најбољег интереса младих.
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Поглед на аеродром Седона
Туристички водич Седоне НЛО ће указати на астрономске објекте од интереса, а затим ће издати Ген 3 ноћни вид (и јак ласер гостима, када буду квалификовани.)
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (42)
May 2019
Five of us were in Sedona for a sisters/sisters-in-law getaway and thought this would be a fascinating adventure a little on the non ordinary side - and we were not disappointed! The tour itself was quite simple. We followed our guide, Michael, to a lookout point on the edge of town just as after sunset. He provided us with the night goggles, explained safety measures on their use and provided suggestions on where to look in the sky. WOW! Over the next 90 minutes or so, we learned how to tell satellites from stars. in addition (and most intriguing), there were many other "lights" in the sky that were not stationary like stars by also moving differently than a satellite - they would change speeds and direction! No matter what the ultimate truth is about these moving lights, one thing is for sure - there are many more things going on in our universe than we once thought! Many thanks to Michael for his guidance, insights and unique perspective!
Susan V
May 2019
I really did not know what to expect on a UFO tour, I was really apprehensive, not because I did not believe such things are "out there" but, I thought we would just look in the sky to see random shooting stars. This was not the case! Michael is very knowledgeable about the solar system. He was great with showing us the difference between satellites, and ships. He relies on his intuitive gift as well, to give you a one-of-a-kind experience. No question is off limits and if he doesn't know something, he will say "I don't know". If you are looking for an informative, interesting 'tour' of UFO's Sedona UFO tour is the one to try!
Elinor F
Apr 2019
Our UFO tour guide, Michael, just took me on an amazing mind-opening journey. If you are at all curious about what is happening outside our planet I would highly recommend you take this tour for both what you will see and what you can learn from Michael. I have no doubt that no-one doing similar tours has his depth of knowlege and related experiences. Firstly, what made this experience special for me was that it was happening in my own back yard. This tour is unique because Michael will either come to you or you can join his small group on the outskirts of town. He began by explaining all the equipment and the differences in everything that we would be seeing moving around in the night sky. However, this did nothing to prepare me for the wonder of what you could see immediately you put on the powerful military grade night vision goggles. I had only ever seen them in TV series like SWAT! Millions and millions of stars - constellations - galaxies. And then you start to focus on what you see moving around. As the tour progressed Michael encouraged us to ask questions about ANYTHING which he aswered with great integrity. This is no hyped-up tourist show. Michael explained what we were seeing without sensationalism. He wants to open your mind and even suggested we research what he had told us for ourselves afterwards. This tour was incredible and a must if you are visiting Sedona. I am lucky enough to live here so I can’t wait to do it again.

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