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Обилазак Националног парка Севард и Кенаи Фјордс уз ручак

Ово је одличан начин да видите Сјуард и Национални парк Кенаи фјордс. Посетите све најбоље атракције прелепог града Севарда у обиласку са водичем са укљученим превозом. Погледајте Екит Глациер и „Миле 0“ стазе Идитарод и доживите вожњу псећим санкама. Погледајте дивље животиње које лутају обронцима планине и уживајте у укљученом комплетном менију за ручак са 13 опција које можете изабрати.
Цити: Севард
Tue 25 Feb
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Са почетком у $210.83
Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $210.83
Шта је укључено
Одлазак у хотел/луку
Пун мени за ручак - 13 опција
Обилазак са псећим санкама
Дугогодишњи водич са Аљаске
Ради са распоредом возова
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Носите ципеле за ходање са равним ђоном и обуците се да бисте били напољу до сат и по у тренутно време
Шта да очекујете
Сеавеи'с ИдидаРиде туре са псима
Изгњечите псе који су победили у трци Идитарод на вожњи и турнеји са псећим санкама породице Сеавеи Вилдернесс
Беар Цреек Веир
Погледајте лососа који се мрести док се пробија узводно до језера Беар
Екит Глациер
Шетња са водичем стазом Оверлоок на глечеру Екит у Националном парку Кенаи фјордс
Обилазак Севарда у вожњи као водич истиче локалне знаменитости
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Коментара (84)
Jul 2013
We learned by word of mouth that Mitch Seavey is a local Seward hero, having won the Iditarod in 2004 and 2013…and his son in 2011! The Seavey’s Ididaride Sled Dog Tour was incredibly fun and most informative. The entire staff is enthusiastic and totally dedicated to these Alaskan huskies. It a complete tour – an initial orientation to the Iditarod Race, hooking up a team of Alaskan huskies to the sled (with all others in yard barking and yipping “Take me, I want to run, too!!”) for a ~2.5 mile run through the woods, holding new pups, and hearing first hand accounts of what it takes to run and win the Iditarod!! Justin Savidis, who completed his third Iditarod Race this year, made it real, telling us about how the dogs know the way to Nome, the challenges of sleep deprivation, -60F degree weather, the harsh terrain, and the danger of falling off your sled in the middle of nowhere with the dogs continuing to run. Van pickup/drop-off in Seward at points convenient to you made this easy and fun! What a great memory of Alaska!!
Jul 2013
This is the second time I have booked with them. This time I book their Real Alaska tour which not only included the dogs, but lunch and a glacier tour as well. The tour was enjoyable and the lunch wonderful. Our guide was fun and informative. You could tell that he loved everything about Alaska. The hike up to exit glacier was moderate and even though it was overcast it wasn't cold until you got near the actual glacier. The dogs are always fun and I really appreciate that our guide grabs our camera to take a picture of us in the wagon and the dogs. The puppies are always my favorite and there is ample time getting to snuggle them. Definitely a recommended tour!
Kim C
Jun 2013
I am a preschool teacher who studies the Ididarod every year with my 3 and 4 year old students. So when my husband and I planned our trip to Alaska, a dog sled tour was a must. However there were so many to chose from, where to start. Well it was no question we would have to go to Seavey's IdidaRide Sled Dog Tours, after all he was the 2013 Ididarod winner. Well I was so glad that we did. The guides were not only informative, but shared many real life experiences from their time on the trail. Meeting the dogs was of course one of the highlights of the experience, but getting to hold a puppy and having a chance to name one was an unexpected and extreme surprise. Everyone involved in the tour was friendly and helpful. My husband who was not sure about this tour actually said it was his favorite part of the trip! I should also mention the ride from Anchorage to Seward was so scenic and beautiful it made the time pass by very quickly. I highly recommend this as a must do as part of a trip to Alaska.

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