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Обилазак Националног парка Севард и Кенаи Фјордс уз ручак

Ово је одличан начин да видите Сјуард и Национални парк Кенаи фјордс. Посетите све најбоље атракције прелепог града Севарда у обиласку са водичем са укљученим превозом. Погледајте Екит Глациер и „Миле 0“ стазе Идитарод и доживите вожњу псећим санкама. Погледајте дивље животиње које лутају обронцима планине и уживајте у укљученом комплетном менију за ручак са 13 опција које можете изабрати.
Цити: Севард
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $210.83
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $210.83
Шта је укључено
Одлазак у хотел/луку
Пун мени за ручак - 13 опција
Обилазак са псећим санкама
Дугогодишњи водич са Аљаске
Ради са распоредом возова
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Носите ципеле за ходање са равним ђоном и обуците се да бисте били напољу до сат и по у тренутно време
Шта да очекујете
Сеавеи'с ИдидаРиде туре са псима
Изгњечите псе који су победили у трци Идитарод на вожњи и турнеји са псећим санкама породице Сеавеи Вилдернесс
Беар Цреек Веир
Погледајте лососа који се мрести док се пробија узводно до језера Беар
Екит Глациер
Шетња са водичем стазом Оверлоок на глечеру Екит у Националном парку Кенаи фјордс
Обилазак Севарда у вожњи као водич истиче локалне знаменитости
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Коментара (84)
Aug 2012
Due to previous issues in our trip we were unexpectedly able to enjoy the Real Alaska Tour offered by Seavey's. What lovely people they all are and our guide, Mike, was truly passionate about all he was showing and explaining to us. The handlers and mushers at the kennels were just as passionate and enthusiastic about imparting their knowledge of their sport and thier lifestyle and the kennel tour (and sled dog ride) was a delight. Lunch at Resurrection Roadhouse was well organised and catered. We then enjoyed a trip out to and a hike to Exit Glacier. The visitors centre their is most informative in regard to the surrounding areas. Exit Glacier itself was a real eye opener after all the massive active glaciers we had seen previously and makes you realise how quickly these giants could disappear. We ended with a trip out to the other side of the bay to look for sea mammals as the salmon hadn't started their run and a great deal of fun was had by all on board our bus. Highly recommend this tour if you have time whilst in Alaska.
Bill M
Mar 2012
The Seavey Sled Dog tour was absolutely the BEST thing we did in Alaska. We have three kids... ages, 15, 13 and 10 and we brought along my 70 year old "young at heart" mother who fell in love with Spencer!! :-) (thank you Spencer for towing around our Memere!! She LOVED it!!) The Seavey Family not only provided VERY interesting and educational information about the sled dog business... they were also exceptionally "real and genuinely" interested in our comfort!! After a brief instruction on how to control the dogs and the sled we were on our way. All three kids controlled the sleds and the team throughout our five hour ride. Its EASYand FUN. I can't even express how ridiculously un-true some of the other reviews were regarding the dogs. They are VERY well cared for.. loving ...and skinny for a REASON... which was explained if people listened to the discussion that the Seavey's provided with the tour! (Have you ever seen a marathon runner?) We did tour during the winter so were not able to see pups... but rest assured we'll absolutely reccommend this to everybody in New Hampshire and certainly make it a point to be back in the summer season. The expense was WORTH EVERY PENNY! Make your trip worth it and visit the Seavey's IdidaRide Sled Dog Tours!! The Mansfield's in New Hampshire
Aug 2011
We were staying in Anchorage, but decided to drive to Seward for the "Real Alaska Tour". They suggest riding the train, but if you don't mind driving (and don't want to spend the extra money) hop in your car for a peaceful drive. We got there early, so my six year old grew impatient. Once the tour started he couldn't stop smiling and neither could we. It was interesting to learn about the dogs (props for naming a litter after the Crimson Tide), but the tour doesn't stop there. We had a nice lunch at Windsong. Then we were off to Exit Glacier. It was raining most of our trip, but we just put on our rain jackets and kept going. With all the beautiful landscapes around you, one tends to forget about the rain. My son tells everyone about his trip to Alaska, but he never forgets to mention the "Real Alaska Tour".

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