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Делуке Гранд Цанион једнодневни излет за мале групе из Феникса

Доживите живописну лепоту Аризоне на овом једнодневном излету за мале групе из области Феникс-Скотсдејл. Посетите једно од светских чуда, Велики кањон, и доживите Роуте 66, култни амерички аутопут прожет богатом традицијом, на целодневном путовању. Уживајте у незаборавним погледима на класичне југозападне пејзаже са својим стручним водичем. Изаберите обилазак малих група (ограничен на само 13 људи) или приватну опцију.
Цити: Сцоттсдале
Mon 28 Oct
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Са почетком у $219.00
Mon 28 Oct
Са почетком у $219.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Важи минимални бројеви. Постоји могућност отказивања након потврде ако нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се то догоди, биће вам понуђена алтернатива или потпуни повраћај новца<ли>Закон државе Аризона захтева да деца млађа од 8 година имају дечје седиште или помоћни лежај. Дечија седишта нису обезбеђена, понесите своје.<ли>Минимална старост је 3 године.<ли>Инвалидска колица су прихватљива под условом да се склопе и могу да се угурају у возило.<ли>Не гарантујемо преузимање за све хотеле. Чак и ако је ваш хотел на листи, можда ћете морати да се нађете на другој локацији. Сваки гост који борави ван Феникса, Скотсдејла или Темпа мораће да се састане на алтернативној локацији коју одреди добављач. Контакт подаци добављача путовања биће наведени на вашем унапред плаћеном ваучеру.<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано високо -саобраћајне површине<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
Шта да очекујете
Пут 66
Након одласка из области метроа у Фениксу, наша турнеја путује кроз пространу пустињу Сонорану испуњену домаћим сагуаро кактусом. Пејзаж почиње да се мења како се повећавамо и погледи на кактусе бледе у боровима. Док настављамо даље у северну Аризону, путоваћемо периферијом града Флагстафа на путу 66 и са аутопута видети врхове Сан Франциска међу наизглед бескрајном боровом шумом Пондероса, највећом суседном шумом борова пондероса на свету.
Виллиамс Депот
Вилијамс ће бити наша прва станица на турнеји за прилику да доживимо Роуте 66, култни амерички аутопут прожет богатом традицијом. Док су у Вилијамсу, гости ће имати прилику да се „забаве на путу 66“ шетњом оригиналном рутом, истражују локалне продавнице и сниме фотографије за успомене које наглашавају прошло доба класичне америчке историје. Такође познат као аутопут Вил Роџерс, Роуте 66 је најпрепознатљивији пут у Сједињеним Државама и протезао се 2.448 миља од Чикага до Калифорније по завршетку.
Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим
Доживећете отприлике три сата у Националном парку дивећи се лепоти Великог кањона. Бићете одведени до видиковаца, као и слободног времена за шетњу до разних видиковаца и занимљивости. Посетите историјски Ел Товар Лодге, Хопи Хоусе, Матхер Поинт или Иавапаи Поинт, Геолошки музеј и још невероватних видиковаца! Док сте на јужном ободу Националног парка Гранд Кањон, имаћете прилике да шетате по ободу, купујете, снимите неограничен број фотографија или уживате у ручку (сопствени трошак) и опустите се уз најбоље седиште у кући.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
May 2019
From getting information prior to our trip, to scheduling and the trip itself, DeTours was a great company to work with.They picked us up minutes from where we were staying. Jennifer was our guide and very knowledgeable and friendly. The small group and van was great for us. It was a long day of riding but it was a plus that we could enjoy the scenery instead of driving. Jennifer kept us informed on the way of what areas we were passing through and welcomed our questions. We had a good amount of time viewing the Grand Canyon-2.5-3 hours. It was windy and cold but so worth the trip. Thank you Jennifer and DeTours!
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Wow!… You are so very welcome! And let us say thank you for not only joining us for your tour to the Grand Canyon, but also for taking a moment to share your very kind words. We could not of said it better ourselves. We thank you for your high recommendation, and hope that you’ll join us for another tour explore more of the beautiful American West. We are just getting warmed up!
May 2019
This was the worst guided tour ever. If you value your time and money, do not book with DETOURS! CONS: -Terrible customer service! The woman working reception at DETOURS hung up on me! -The pick-up time at the hotel was changed, but they did not bother to call me! Good thing I checked my email in the morning! -The tour bus was shaky and rattled a lot. And it was LOUD inside the bus. Bring earplugs...I got a headache from all the noise! -The seats on the bus were okay, but you lose leg room because of the wheel base, and the back row seats did not recline! -Our driver had a lead foot, which meant we felt every bump and turn he made, and there were a couple of times when we nearly went out of our seats after he slammed on the breaks! Yikes! -The microphone in the bus kept malfunctioning. All we heard from the driver was static and nails on a chalkboard! Get that thing fixed! -The driver could not hear anything we said. We had to yell at him to get his attention! -The driver's commentary was dry and dull. It was not educational! Fun facts and historical insight would have made the tour livelier. -The first stop in Williams is a joke. It is a 45-minute pit stop at a string of gift stops. No historical context for the tour. We did not even stop at the Route 66 sign! -DO NOT ORDER THE $12 LUNCH! I got the wrong sandwich! The driver could not do anything about it because the pickup had already happened! What a ripoff! -The second stop is a 15 minute stop at a gas station. We could have skipped this entirely and added time to our tour instead. -The tour took a detour to the airport because one of the group members decided they wanted to go on a helicopter tour (which is a separate tour option on the DETOURS website.) We burned about half an hour of our tour trying get this person a helicopter ride, which ended up getting cancelled! -We arrived at the Grand Canyon about 45 minutes behind schedule. -It was snowing when we got there! The DETOURS staff told us to dress for 50°F weather, but it was freezing in the canyon! There is a huge difference between expecting mild spring weather versus getting freezing winter temperatures! -Our first stop at the canyon lasted only 15 minutes. It was the only portion of the trip where we could actually see any of the canyon before the fog rolled in. What a shame to be rushed through the only good thing on the entire tour! -The driver was so concerned about being on time to pick up two guests at the canyon hotel that he cut short the only part of the tour where we could actually see the canyon! Terrible! The guests did not need us to be an hour early! What a jerk! -We then spent 75 minutes at the El Tovar hotel, where we were instructed to take shelter from the rain and snow while we sipped on cactus margaritas...We did not join a Grand Canyon tour so we could sit inside and drink cocktails at a hotel bar! -From this point onward, it was zero visibility at the Grand Canyon. The entire canyon was covered in fog from top to bottom. What a waste of time! Fraud! -For the rest of the tour, we stared into the fog and wondered what the Grand Canyon would look like with our best imaginations. What a major disappointment! -We made a 10 minute stop at the train station (we were not allowed to get out) so the VIP hotel guests could retrieve their bags. We were prisoners inside the bus! -The tour made a few more stops along the way. All of the stops offered no views of the canyon. The tour did not deliver on anything they advertised! Overall, the tour spends about 3 hours in the canyon, but of those, nearly a full hour is burned just driving around, making bathroom breaks, and waiting on the tour bus while the driver gathers other passengers. Of the two hours actually spent at the canyon, only about 45 minutes of it is dedicated to seeing the canyon. The rest of it is centered around gift shops and museum displays. The tour was a complete failure. What a gigantic waste of time and money! Knowing the conditions leading up to our departure, DETOURS should have cancelled our tour. Instead, they took our money and ran. None of us paid good money to sit in a bus for 10+ hours for the payoff of ten minutes of canyon views. This tour was a total scam! Our driver could have salvaged the situation by offering to take us to an alternate stop (like Sedona), but that never happened. The driver could have guided us toward scenic stops along the road on the drive back to Phoenix, perhaps sprinkling in some breathtaking photo ops to make up for the complete disaster at the Grand Canyon, but that never happened, either. The only thing the driver cared about was getting back to Phoenix on time and collecting the tip at the end of the trip. I can say with absolute certainty that the DETOURS tour of the Grand Canyon was the worst guided bus tour I have ever experienced in all my years of traveling. I will not, in good conscience, recommend their services to anyone. Shame on you, DETOURS! I am greatly disappointed.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Hello, thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We would like an opportunity to speak with you further about your tour experience in order to get a better understanding of what occurred that day. Without a guest name or a guide name, it makes it difficult to fully rectify situations such as these. Our owner, Jeff Slade, would appreciate an opportunity to speak with you personally. He can be reached at (480) 633-9013. Thank you.
May 2019
Long day and spent very little time enjoying the Grand Canyon. 45 minutes in Williams, 15 minutes at airport. Only got to see three points- El Tovar, Yavaphi Point & Mathers Point. Didn't drive along the south rim. Nothing on the east side. No Cameron Navajo visit.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Hello and thank you for your feedback. Our Grand Canyon day tour is definitely a longer day, as it is 4 hours from Phoenix. We always try to give guests at least 3-3.5 hours at the South Rim in order to enjoy themselves. Of course, timing can vary, as other guests out on tour may require to stop a little more frequently than most. For the airport, the reason we took extra time was due to guest bathroom visits. In Williams, we like to give guests time to explore Route 66, while the guide picks-up lunch. In regards to the Cameron Trading Post, we do not visit this location on our Grand Canyon tour or visit the Navajo reservation, due to drive-time regulations. We pride ourselves in a balanced approach to meeting each guests’ needs, so as to ensure a special day for all who journey with us. We take your feedback seriously and hope you’ll give us another try in the future.

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