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Мала група ВИП понтонска турнеја Манатее у Цристал Ривер

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Цити: Кристална река
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $101.38
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $101.38
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све путнике<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Одела су доступна у величинама од малишана (2 године и више) до одраслих до 5Кс<ли>Препоручује се да имате купаћи костим испод одеће за бржа пријава<ли>Молимо вас да понесете пешкир и пластичну кесу да држите своје ствари.<ли>Деца млађа од 3 године нису дозвољена на овом обиласку. Позовите за друге опције. <ли>После ЦОВИД-19 Политика – Водимо рачуна да темељно чистимо водена возила између посетилаца.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства. <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Ривер Вентурес
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (565)
Jul 2018
My family visited Crystal River with the hope of swimming with manatees, but knowing that we may not because of the time of year. Well, this tour with Captain Laura, Sheena and Gavin, was by far the highlight of our vacation! The whole crew was knowledgeable about all of the wildlife in the area. My 2 girls really felt comfortable with them and followed their lead with no problems. Sheena and Gavin were so attentive in making sure we were able to see the GROUP of manatees and my girls were able to see them up close and personal. We even had a baby manatee to watch and it was adorable.We also saw a funny swimming bird...the cormorant. After hanging out with the manatees for a while, they took us to Three Sister's Springs. This, too, was amazing! We were lucky enough to have it mostly to ourselves. My girls swam like the fish and Sheena and Gavin took great pictures. You can tell that they truly love their job. The boat was equip with some hot chocolate and snacks since the water is a bit cold, but don't let that stop you! We ended the tour by just taking in some scenery and finding out more about our tour guides and the area. Oh and at the very end, a dolphin swam right by our boat! My girls ranked this outing as an 11 out of 10. I am so grateful to them for making the Manatee tour a memory we'll never forget. If we are in the area again, I'll definitely request this crew!
Jun 2018
Top 5 Comments about the trip: 1. Don't be discouraged about "manatee off season"; I went June 19th & John Stark was an expert boat captain with a keen eye for tracking down these amazing mammals and getting us up close to observe them in the wild. 2. Pay extra for the VIP and go in the morning; River Ventures is an tour company that offers smaller group options; you're in a smaller boat that's more maneuverable, you're in a smaller group that's more manageable in the water. Some boats (from other companies) are out there with 10-12 people in the water and everyone is trying to crowd up the same manatee. Once one person stirs up the bottom, the water becomes murky and it's just a huge disaster with a giant throng of people flailing around the manatees. 3. Demand that Jody is your in-water guide. She is a fantastic swimmer, accomplished photographer, great with kids, and has a knack for locating and sustaining observation opportunities with these magical creatures. She is extremely knowledgeable on the natural features, flora and fauna of the area, and is truly gifted in always having sunny weather and calm / clear water during all of her tours. She also does kayak tours at a river nearby, especially if you're interested in interacting with alligators and other indigenous species of interest. 4. Wear sunscreen, drink water, bring snacks, keep quiet, go as earlier in the morning as humanly possible. The water is not cold, the wet suits are more then adequate. Pay attention to the video at the beginning of the tour; that is your guide to absolute success for your manatee experience. 5. Finally, when you're on a manatee VIP tour with River Ventures, it's hard not to gloat a little. As you slowly and quietly ease down the river, in your heated / air conditioned boat, with your expert captain and guide, you cannot help but let a thick smirk draw across your face as you gaze out across the water behind your mirrored sunglass lenses, observing the lesser rabble flail about, among throngs of patrons desperately investigating murky water for sea cows. Rest easy, knowing you're part of a small, elite force, in relentless pursuit of clear water, amazing weather, vistas of breathtaking (you have a snorkel) underwater manatee encounters, and the vision and agility to tailor your tour to meet whatever requirements pop up as the morning moves on (since you chose the early option). Oh and buy the picture package at the end of the tour; ain't nobody got time to be fumbling with a camera, in that regard. Leave the national geographic stuff up to Jody (since you demanded she be your guide). --Gregory (Solo traveler from North Carolina)
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Ok, OK Gregory, we don't know who you are......but you are definitely part of our 'wacky tribe'! What a beautiful, descriptive and helpful review.....in fact it may be one of my favorite of all time!! You describe Ms. Jodi as a wizard who can control the sun, and us as an 'elite force'!! Man, oh man...it doesn't get much better than that. In fact, it has sprouted a new idea for us...forget the 'Space Force' we are ready to build the RV Elite 'Manatee Force'!! I think we should get hats or t shirts to declare it, but ain't nobody go time for that! Please come back and see us again, you wont believe what it's like in the winter. Until then...may the Force be with you.
Christine S
Jun 2018
We took the Semi-Private VIP Manatee Tour with Heidi and John a few days ago. Per the recommendation of the staff, we booked an early morning tour to allow us a good chance to see manatees during the off-season. From the moment we stepped in the building, customer service was exceptional. We watched a short video, got fitted for wetsuits, and then took a short shuttle ride to the boat - which was very comfortable with an awning and plenty of free snacks and drinks. Just minutes into the tour we saw that other tour boats stopped to see manatees so we anchored and got in the water. Although the tour was semi-private, it doesn't prevent you from being in the water with other groups of people, but Heidi made sure to get us a special view of a few manatees and a baby. We were inches away from these majestic animals! While in the water, a dolphin passed next to us for a quick moment. After seeing the manatees, we went on to snorkel in the springs and got a boat tour of the area. This we definitely the highlight of our vacation!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Thank you for taking the time to reach out with this awesome review!! A few things you mentioned are worth highlighting for future visitors...like the early morning wakeup call. Yes, it's early, but it is worth it and we have coffee on by 5:30am! We can control the amount of people on your boat, but not on the water, so going early can really help to avoid a crowded situation. Please dont worry about the wet suit or the transport...we will take care of the details so you can relax and enjoy! Even in the off season seeing a mom and baby close up will take almost anyone's breath away!! We hope you get the chance to come back and see us again, until then we wish you peace, love and manatees from the whole RV family to yours!

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