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Искуство рафтинга на бијелој води на ријеци Уппер Пигеон

Клисура реке Пигеон сече од истока ка западу преко Смоки планина од Северне Каролине до Тенесија. Као једно од најпопуларнијих рафтинг путовања у Америци, Горњи део реке Пигеон нуди гостима најбољи увод у белу воду било где.
Цити: Хартфорд
Wed 02 Oct
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Са почетком у $43.00
Wed 02 Oct
Са почетком у $43.00
Шта је укључено
Укључена опрема: прслук за спасавање, кацига и весло
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Гости ће се тада састати са својим личним водичем и добити неопходну опрему, укључујући: прслук за спасавање, кацигу и весло.<ли>Након што ваш водич још једном провери да ли је сва опрема правилно постављена, гости затим ускачу. нашим аутобусом за кратку 10-минутну вожњу до почетне тачке за ваше путовање.
Шта да очекујете
Пигеон Ривер
Клисура Пигеон Ривер пресеца исток ка западу преко Смоки планина од Северне Каролине до Тенесија, нудећи веслачима панорамски поглед на Велике Смоки планине док се хладе од летње врућине.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (470)
Kellin P
Jun 2019
Had an incredible time White Water Rafting!! My family and I had a great experience for our first time doing it!! I highly recommend Stoney as your tour guide at Big Creek Expeditions!! He was a very outgoing person and very knowledgeable! Big Creek Expeditions is the place to go!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
We are so glad you had a good time. Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review! Come back and see us again soon!
Shawna P
Jun 2019
Our family of 6 drove down from NW Ohio to spend a week in the Sevierville/Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg Tennessee area. White water rafting was on our to-do list. This was the first time for our kids aged 15,13,11, and 9. We scored a perfect 10 by picking Big Creek Expeditions. This place was awesome !!! Very affordable, organized, friendly staff, and we had a very informative and funny tour guide named Stoney. Stoney made our trip so much fun. He was very knowledgeable during the trip, told us interesting facts about the area, and showed us how to do tricks with our raft. Because Big Creek Expeditions is a smaller company, the tour guides are able to give the boats more individualized attention, they are not rushing you through the experience. Other rafting companies were on the same river and you could tell they were not having as much fun. The rapids were also top notch !!! Class 3 and Class 4 rapids made the trip a blast. At one point we were able to jump out and swim down the river too. The scenery was also beautiful !!!! We ended up buying pictures from our experience. We also packed a lunch and ate it on site at a picnic area. It was perfect. Choose Big Creek Expeditions! You won’t be disappointed..... and don’t forget to ask for Stoney as your tour guide !!!!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
We are so glad you had a good time. Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review! Come back and see us again soon!
Jun 2019
Incredible experience! Our guide, Stoney, was phenomenal! He took us to the more fun, challenging areas of the rapids - but ensured our safety throughout (with 9, 11, 13 and 15 yr old kids along). He was very knowledgeable about the area, and had our attention for the entire adventure. Some of the other companies rafting around us seemed reluctant to do what this company did - like allowing everyone out to swim, etc. This company seems more interested in providing you with a great experience vs. getting you down the river so they can "re-load" with another group of paying customers. I would certainly recommend this company, and request Stoney!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
We are so happy to hear that you had an incredible experience with Stoney and Big Creek Expeditions. We pride ourselves on having a professional, experienced staff that provide our guests with safe, fun and memorable experiences. As a smaller company, we do not like to rush and instead enjoy having personal experiences with out guests. We are beyond stoked to hear that you experienced that with us. We hope to have you back again soon!

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