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Искуство рафтинга на бијелој води на ријеци Уппер Пигеон

Клисура реке Пигеон сече од истока ка западу преко Смоки планина од Северне Каролине до Тенесија. Као једно од најпопуларнијих рафтинг путовања у Америци, Горњи део реке Пигеон нуди гостима најбољи увод у белу воду било где.
Цити: Хартфорд
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $43.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $43.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Гости ће се тада састати са својим личним водичем и добити неопходну опрему, укључујући: прслук за спасавање, кацигу и весло.<ли>Након што ваш водич још једном провери да ли је сва опрема правилно постављена, гости затим ускачу. нашим аутобусом за кратку 10-минутну вожњу до почетне тачке за ваше путовање.
Шта да очекујете
Пигеон Ривер
Клисура Пигеон Ривер пресеца исток ка западу преко Смоки планина од Северне Каролине до Тенесија, нудећи веслачима панорамски поглед на Велике Смоки планине док се хладе од летње врућине.
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Коментара (470)
Sep 2011
Big Creek Expeditions is about 45 minutes south of Gatlinburg. We decided at the very last minute, on a Sunday, to try to go white water rafting. They happened to be the only place that was open! We were very lucky to have found them for our first trip white water rafting. I have always been very nervous and apprehensive about rafting, but we had a great, very experienced guide. Our family of 5, with 3 children aged 11, 5, and 4 went on a very fun, exciting ride down the river! The staff was extremely friendly and knowledgeable, and they all seemed to really love what they did. The trip lasted over an hour, and was well worth the money we spent. It was warm, but not warm enough to swim. Our guide pointed out a variety of animals in the river, and even stopped the raft and turned it around so our little one could see! It was probably the best experience and "attraction" we have been to in the Smokies, which is saying a lot since we come about 4 times a year. This is a definite "Must Do" while you're here.
Aug 2011
We were determined to go rafting while on our Gatlinburg mini-vacation. We had chosen another company, but decided to check out a time share and they sold us tickets for Big Creek Expeditions, we didn't know if there would be any difference, but we are so glad we went here! Our guide was Clay....he's a grown man trapped in a kids body. Really funny guy, very talkative during the entire trip. He had us spinning the raft in circles, made sure everyone on the raft got drenched. As soon as he saw someone drying off, the raft was turned to make sure the next wall of water his their side. My 8 yr old was a little nervous about going, but after the first Class 3 rapid, he never stopped giggling and laughing. There's a couple of slower spots on the trip in deeper water, and people can jump out of the raft and float for a short bit on their own. The front of the raft makes a great springboard for flips into the river. This will be on our list of activities every time we come back to Gatlinburg. From what Clay said, Big Creek doesn't have alot of turn over in their guides. They are all a little older and more mature, the boss treats them good so they keep coming back. We're looking forward to another great time with Clay on the Upper Pigeon River.
Aug 2011
This company went out of there way to help us you see our 15 year old son is in a wheelchair since birth and we try to let him do as nuch as possible. I contacted Big expeditions and the e-mail back and say they would be happy to take us down the river. We were going to do the 1 & 2 rapids but Kate said we could do the 3 &4's and we did. She did a great job watch our son and we had a great time. Our son was holding the rope all the way down the river but we felt a ease. Go white water rafting while you are in the Smokies's . Tim

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