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Великий автобус Нью-Йорк Hop-On Hop-Off Open Top Tour

Сядьте та вирушайте по Нью-Йорку з екскурсією на великому автобусі з відкритим верхом і відвідайте визначні пам’ятки Нью-Йорка у власному темпі. З легкістю подорожуйте на двоповерховому автобусі повз всесвітньо відомі пам’ятки, зокрема Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг, Таймс-сквер, Рокфеллер-центр і Центральний парк. З квитком Classic проїдьтеся автобусом навколо Мангеттена, дізнаваючись про історію міста від свого захоплюючого гіда.
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Tue 24 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $53.99
Tue 24 Sep
Починаючи з $53.99
Що включено
Хоп-хоп-офф, відкритий верх, оглядова автобусна екскурсія
2 маршрути - Uptown (червоний маршрут) і Downtown (синій маршрут)
Аудіогід англійською, іспанською, французькою, італійською, португальською та німецькою мовами
1 година безкоштовного прокату велосипеда при покупці 1 години в Unlimited Biking
Відстеження автобуса в реальному часі через додаток Big Bus
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для інвалідних візків
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці
  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводир
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослого
  • Доступ для транспорту доступний для інвалідних візків
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Цілодобово - Класичні квитки будуть дійсні для використання в той же день. Квитки з кількома днями повинні бути використані поспіль.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Aug 2022
Our family loves using bus tours as a means of sightseeing and transportation when visiting various cities. I’ve used bus tours from other companies in NYC before and found them a great way to see the city. It was my daughter’s first trip to the city, so we thought a bus tour would be a great way for her to see things. Unfortunately, Big Bus In New York City was by far the worst bus tour experience we’ve ever had. After booking 2-day passes for our family of three via the mobile app, our first interaction with Big Bus was a rude and condescending ticket employee who scolded us for not realizing we needed a printing ticket in addition to the one we had purchased online. The first bus ride had working audio, which would have been nice if the quips about points of interest had been played on time instead of blocks after passing the site. It took us 1.5 hours to get through 4 stops, so we abandoned the tour early on day 1. The next morning when we took a bus again, the audio didn’t work for our side of the bus, so we struggled to know which sites to look at or where stops were. We ended up having to use the mobile app to try and figure out where we were or what we should be looking at. It’s disappointing to spend the majority of your “sightseeing” tour looking at your phone. We were disenchanted with our Big Bus experience 16 hours into our 48 hour pass, that we opted to take the subway and navigate sightseeing on our own the rest of our trip. Total waste of $250.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2022
Hi Laura Schoeneck, We are disappointed to hear that you are not satisfied with your visit. We regret to hear that there was a delay on the day of your tour due to traffic. New York City traffic can be heavy at times and hard to navigate through, but we do our best to get you around safely. As for the audio, thank you for letting us know and we are sorry for the inconvenience. We will communicate this to our team to make sure this is fixed. We would also like to address your encounter with our staff member. We apologize if anyone was rude and condescending. We assure you we do not condone this unacceptable behavior and take these matters very seriously. If possible, can you please reach out to us at [email protected] with your booking reference, the staff member's name or a description, the time, date, and location where this occurred so we can look into this?
Aug 2022
Exactly what you’d expect on a hop on hop off bus tour. The audio was informative however we had to swap seats twice to get the audio to work properly. Sit upstairs to get the best experience. Friendly staff. It isn’t the most scenic of experiences but then again it’s New York.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2022
Sharronberry1, your wonderful feedback and rating mean a lot to us. We are sorry for the audio issues you experienced on our bus and appreciate you letting us know. I will be sure to report this to our mechanic team so they can have this fixed immediately. We hope that you had fun exploring with us!
Tomasz C
Aug 2022
I do not recommend this tour. There are only a few buses so it is hard to sit on the upper deck for a couple. Main route is rather boring and uptown tour does not exist in actual practice (unless you want to stand in the line for an your and hear „it will be in a moment” all the time). Driver Harry was unprofessional and was going to upper deck on every stop and asked for a tip or positive review. When someone asked him to just drive (it was really hot to sit there without moving) he said that he can leave and then said he’s going to bathroom and left us there for like 10 minutes. In fact he was talking with another driver on the bus stop, standing in the shade. I think there are like 10 times more people who sell this tour than people who actually do it. For this price you can have private tour. I toured with BigBus/CitySightseeing in almost a dozen cities around the world and it was by far the worst.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2022
Hi Tomasz C, we can assure you that we do not find this type of behavior acceptable, and we would like to address the situation you have described. Thank you for the details you have provided so far and we apologize for the negative experience you had. If possible, can you please reach out to us at [email protected] with your booking details, the time and date of your tour, as well as any other details you may have?

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New York City