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Тури на кита Хуна

Hoonah Whale Tours – це сімейна компанія зі спостереження за китами, яка працює в місті Хуна, штат Аляска. Під час цієї екскурсії ви потрапите на приватну екскурсію на човні з 6 пасажирами, яка прямує до крижаної протоки. Під час туру ви отримаєте можливість побачити всіляку дику природу Південно-Східної Аляски, включаючи білоголових орлів, морських левів, морських видр, іноді бурих ведмедів і косаток і, звичайно, горбатих китів! Наші тури тривають від 3 до 3,5 годин, і ми гарантуємо, що ви побачите китів або повернете гроші. Човен — це 6-пасажирський катамаран, з прогулянкою по палубі, каютою з підігрівом і ванною кімнатою на борту. Ми також пропонуємо закуски та напої.
Місто: Хуна
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $248.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $248.00
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  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Доступні спеціальні дитячі крісла
  • Діти повинні перебувати в супроводі дорослого
  • За сприятливих погодних умов . У разі скасування через погану погоду вам буде повернуто повну суму
Чого очікувати
Тури на кита Хуна
Під час нашого туру зі спостереженням за китами ви опинитесь у крижаній протоці (водоймі). Ви побачите горбатих китів (гарантовано!), морських левів, морських видр і білоголових орланів. У вас навіть є шанс побачити бурого ведмедя на пляжі, косаток і тупиків, які пролітають повз.
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (123)
Jul 2017
My brother found this tour via TripAdvisor the night before our cruise ship hit Icy Strait Point (so thank you previous reviewers). Maraiya picked us up and brought us back to the cruise ship area. Our party of 5 adults spent 3 hours with her husband Jordan, seeing bald eagles, humpback whales spouting and diving (with 1 breeching), and two flocks of puffins in flight. The boat was clean, comfortable (apparently the double hull catamaran makes it more stable), with good seating and visibility for all. We spent much of the time in the cabin while motoring out to where the whales were, then went outside for better viewing. My 85-yo mother and my sister on crutches were much better off on this small boat than on the larger boats we saw with many people crowded up to the rails. It was an excellent experience, and a pleasure to chat with a young couple starting a new business. The blueberry muffins were delicious. There was also hot chocolate, but we weren't cold enough to need it. The only improvement would be a stepstool to help those like my mother get into Maraiya's SUV, but she already had one on order that just hadn't arrived yet.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2017
Thank you so much for your review, it was great having you guys out. The step stool has arrived :)
angie a
Jul 2017
We recently traveled to Hoonah and wanted a smaller boat to watch the whales. We found this company and are so glad we did. We have 2 boys (5 and 7) and Jordan was great with them. He had coloring books and other fun activities for them, which was totally unexpected and nice. The boat was great, fit 6 comfortably and allowed us all great views of the whales without fighting for space. Muffins were a hit with everyone and all in all, we had a great time!
Jun 2017
We were on an Alaska northbound cruise. We try to find local tour operators at the various ports. My sister-in-law was looking for a whale watching tour at Icy Strait Point which took small groups. She found one, but was booked, but they referred us to Hoonah Whale Tours. Maraiya met us at the port and drive use down to their boat where her husband, the captain, Jordon was waiting for us on the Thor Too. There were 4 in our party, plus 2 others embarking one this great new boat. We all fit inside the cabin as we headed out on a misty overcast day. The captain brought out to see a pod of whales bubble feeding which was awesome. We spent quite abit of time out watching for whales. We even got to see on breech There were blueberry muffins made by his wife from the blueberries he picked last season. There was also coffee and water for use to partake from. Afterwards, Maraiya picked us up. We actually got see more of the town because of data connection problems while we were paying our bill. I think that was an added bonus. All in all a great trip and would highly recommend them!
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