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Джексон Хоул, катання на собачих упряжках

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Місто: Джексон
Fri 20 Sep
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Починаючи з $199.00
Fri 20 Sep
Починаючи з $199.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (39)
Dec 2022
This was the most memorable experience and highlight of our trip! We are so glad we decided to do this last minute. Everyone on the ranch was so friendly and really made us feel like we were at home. Trust us, just do it. You won’t remember how much it cost, but rather how much fun you had.
Mar 2022
What a great bunch of people! From the time Kevin picked us up at our hotel until he dropped us back off at the end of the day, we totally enjoyed ourselves.The Heart 6 Ranch is a great “base camp” to experience many outdoor adventures. For us, it was to fulfill one of my wife’s desires to take a dog sled ride. Justin took really great care of her and made sure she had a memorable experience. I know some reviewers have be critical of both the quality of their experience at Heart 6 Ranch, and the “gruffness” of the staff, but keep in mind this ranch is located in a somewhat barren area that requires people with toughness and grit to make sure that the visitors have a good time. I can overlook a little roughness around the edges after I saw how hard these people work. And unlike rides at Disney World, these experiences are somewhat controlled by nature and the weather. As long as the staff were doing their best to provide us with a quality experience, I’m willing to overlook a few less than perfect details. Next time we’re in the Jackson area, we will be back to Heart 6 Ranch to explore the other adventures they offer.
Mar 2022
Memorable late winter dog sled, first time experience with friends. Enjoyed views, interaction with dogs and mushers at beginning and dnd of trip. Friendly and professional. Furbaby hugs and pats for great job.
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