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Тури на байдарках

Компанія Fairweather Kayaks розташована в одному з найкрасивіших районів південно-східної Аляски. Маленьке містечко під назвою Хуна на Алясці. Потрапляючи сюди, ви не тільки відчуваєте себе вдома. Тут люди відчувають себе як удома. Важко залишити це місце після відвідин.

Основна мета Fairweather Kayaks - показати вам враження, які ви відчуваєте, коли ваша прогулянка закінчена. Ви не тільки підете щасливими та розслабленими після перебування на воді. Наша мета — показати вам такий гарний час, що ви будете думати про свій наступний візит ще до того, як ви підете.

Fairweather Kayaks перенесе вас у спокійні води, де катання на байдарках не надто складне і завжди є шанс побачити дику природу.
Місто: Хуна
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $150.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $150.00
Що включено
Ми надамо рятувальні жилети, весла, байдарки та захисні спідниці. А також пончо під легкий дощ, якщо день дощовий
Додаткова інформація
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
Чого очікувати
Ми залишимо місто Хуна і поїдемо повз старий лісозаготівельний табір. Після цього ми вийдемо в місце, яке місцеві називають Лонг-Айлендом.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (77)
Matt C
Oct 2019
This tour was fantastic, we looked for a kayak adventure at Hoonah outside of the cruise ship excursion when we came across Cody and families Fairweather Kayaks and had a superb time. We arrived earlier than expected and had to contact Cody as our ship was departing early so he was very flexible in times on the day, we were collected on from the welcome to hoonah sign and taken to the harbor where we launched in our kayaks (saving us about 2 miles of kayaking through open sea) and headed out with Cody to a island where we saw bald eagles and jumping fish, breath taking views and a lovely place to stop halfway through the tour to stretch legs etc, Cody was really knowledgeable, experienced and provided a relaxed atmosphere on the tour. When back his mum took us back to the collect our ship but not before an exciting mini and successful grizzly bear hunt (Amazing) We were on our honeymoon and this tour made our stop at Hoonah a blast and if we Highly recommend Cody and his family! you wont regret it they are so friendly! Thank you
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2019
Thank you for the review and I hope that your honeymoon was fantastic.
Sep 2019
What an amazing adventure we had with Fairweather Kayaks! I can’t say enough about how amazing this experience was. We were met right outside of the Village exit gate and driven to Hoonah where we suited up for an adventure of a lifetime. We met with our tour guide Cody who educated us all about the area, Alaska and the habitat since he grew up in town. We were a group of 6 between the ages of 8 and 73 and we all had a wonderful time with Cody. Given that we were only a group of six we were able to all have one on one conversation with our guide which made the experience more intimate and personal. The scenery was spectacular that one couldn’t help but feel at peace while kayaking on the water. We saw some amazing wildlife and even had a chance to meet with Cody’s family who were delightful. My son left his hat in the kayak and they even returned it to the ship for us. Cody and his team provided us with an adventure of a lifetime that we are still talking about today.
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2019
I'm glad that you had a wonderful time with us and we strive to make the experience great for the people taking it.
Jacqueline R
Sep 2019
This guide rocked! I texted him weeks before coming and even there wanting to talk myself out of it but once I was situated it was a blast! I can understand why he’s on his own. Carnival’s excursion wasn’t anything close to the experience & professionalism as this company! The excitement of the Waters & area is very informative and beautiful! What’s experience for this 56 yr old women! We had the best local Fish & Chips and were so excited to be with Cody! Picked us up at port and drove us back! Thank you for the memories!
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2019
I'm so glad that you made it and that we convinced you that it would be a great time.

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