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Екскурсія Red Canyon Mustang 8:30 ранку.

У НАС БАГАТО ВІЛЬНОСТІВ, АЛЕ ЧЕРЕЗ ЗБІЙ В СИСТЕМІ ГОВОРИТЬСЯ, ЩО НАС ЗАБРОНЮВАНО. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, ТЕЛЕФОНУЙТЕ, ЩОБ ЗАБРОНЮВАТИ. Цей тур — сафарі на диких мустангів. Ми починаємо з подорожі до району управління стадами піків Маккалоу. На виході ваш гід розповість вам історію Коді, диких мустангів, місцевості та Баффало Білла Коді. Там ви можете побачити багато інших диких тварин, дізнатися про екосистему та суперечки щодо диких мустангів у Сполучених Штатах. Це Екскурсія триває приблизно 2 1/2-3 години. Це дивовижне місце для відвідування. Воно поза мережею, краєвиди прекрасні, і щоб знайти стадо диких мустангів, яке зменшується, потрібно відвідати це місце. Їхня історія дивовижна, а їхня боротьба вижити - це натхнення.
Місто: Коді
Sat 19 Oct
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Починаючи з $45.00
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $45.00
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Відгуки (28)
Jul 2021
I'd say skip the paid tour and go yourself for free--it's BLM land and you can go more places on the dirt roads than they can with their commercial van. I found the experience frustrating--van was very dirty inside, guide didn't know where the herd was (which it seems they should if they go every day) and they had several vans that went different directions, with no way to communicate if one of them saw the herd. I suggested walkie-talkies since cell service is awful around that area. We saw one lone horse.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2021
I’m so sorry that you did not have a good time.I will try to explain a couple of things. The tour is a wildlife safari and I assume that most people know that horses can run very fast,You could go out in the morning to see the horses and then by evening they have moved 25 miles.We have a couple of million acres of BLM land in Wyoming and the horses are not in pens.So when we go out we hope that they are in the same place or area but again it is a safari. Then if you have a private tour in one vehicle but the vehicles are staying together it kind of takes away from the private tour experience. I’m going to circle back to safari.When we go out to the BLM land it is muddy,dirty,Sage brush,cactus,dusty,etc.We are driving through creeks in areas,etc.This is not a clean paved road area,These are dirt abd muddy roads so the vehicles do get dirty.We do vacuum the vehicles and take out trash that guests leave behind but if vehicles are going twice a day into very dirty areas it’s a bit difficult to keep them clean. I also think that there’s a misunderstanding about where you can drive.The government does not want people out driving around out there,They are trying to eliminate our herds so they are letting roads go.They have stopped managing roads so if you drive out there and don’t know where you’re going you could be driving down a road that has huge ruts and wash out areas,You could even start driving down a road and the road just ends.Yes anybody can drive around out there but if you get stuck in the ruts or in mud and don’t have a signal then trying to tell a tow truck driver where you are is not an easy task.I always would ask a person if they have a 4wheel drive vehicle and warn them of that the roads become a slick clay that they may not be able to get out of.
Jul 2021
The man at the check-in could not have been more rude and disrespectful when we arrived at 5:30(per the confirmation) only to find that the van had left us and he said we should have arrived at 5:15. When I asked him to show me where on our confirmation it said to arrive at 5:15, he just said, “it’s there” although I scoured the confirmation, it only said 5:30, and he continued to respond rudely and aggressively toward me. I gave this two stars because the van did return for us, and the guide was nice and knowledgeable. However, don’t expect to see tons of wild horses. We saw four fairly close, drove around on extremely rough roads for an hour looking for the herd, which was so far away we could barely see with binoculars. They were unable to travel down many of the roads claiming BLM wouldn’t permit it. But it’s public land, so not sure why. And being public lands, you can google and find exactly where to do this trip on your own. They even have signage at the road for you. Not worth the money, in my opinion. The entire trip was no more than two hours door to door, not the three indicated. And definitely because of how we were treated I wouldn’t recommend. If you book, make sure to arrive 15min earlier than your confirmation states!
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2021
Oh boy🤦🏻‍♀️So first off the tour leaves our shop at 5:30.Everybody else on the tour managed to be there by 5:15 and got signed in and were loaded up in the van by 5:30 and left for the tour.When you show up at 5:35 and the tour has left then we have to turn around and pick you up then that took away from the amount of time that we could be out there and other people then had to sacrifice their time to drive back around to pick you up since you were 20 minutes late.Everybody else made it there on time. Also the BLM does not want people driving around out there because of they are trying to eliminate our horse herds,So they have started not maintaining roads out there.So since the roads are all dirt and have huge ruts,or you have to drive through creeks this makes them impassable.Yes the public can just go out and drive around but since they don’t know where there are wash out areas,roads that just stop and huge ruts out there I woukd not recommend taking the chance that you are going to get stuck,no cell service,and trying to explain to a tow company where you are may be interesting.Our guides don’t go on certain roads because they are not safe.You are welcome to go out there though but make good notes about where you are so that you can call a tow
Jul 2021
The tour we booked was scheduled for 8:30-11:30 AM. Upon our arrival and during the long wait, we were told on 3 different occasions that our driver should be there in approximately 5 minutes. However, after waiting for 30 minutes, our driver finally arrived. Our female driver, who did seem very friendly, then rushed us to an old van that was filthy inside and out and smelled like a wet dog. We did luck up and get to see a band of mustangs. Even though we were 30 minutes late leaving for the tour, we did not get to stay an extra 30 minutes to compensate for her tardiness. We feel like this tour is overpriced for what our family experienced.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2021
I’m sorry that you had a bad experience.The vans are difficult to keep clean out in the mud driving on dirt roads in the country.We vacuum them daily but people trek in and out dirt,cactus and sage brush out in the muddy country.The tour is approximately 2.5-3 hours.If you are out there longer than that we get in trouble with the government due to the fact if that it’s government land and they tell us what time to go out and what time to be back.We have no choice in that because of it’s our government.I’m sure you understand.Once people spend time with the horses then usually they like to come back because there’s only s9 much time that people choose to stand and watch them.I do not know why she was late because I’m in Yellowstone most days but I will find out.This tour has been going since 1972 and this is probably the 4th complaint I’ve ever gotten so I will believe tha5 it must have just been a bad day?

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