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Місто: Седона
Tue 24 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $120.00
Tue 24 Sep
Починаючи з $120.00
Що включено
Телескопи, лазерні указки, біноклі, крісла, дезінфікуючий засіб для рук
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (291)
Apr 2022
We loved this tour and we learned so much about stars and the moon. The folks had everything setup for us and even blankets because it was cold that night.
Apr 2022
They have three huge telescopes, but they cannot zoom in to get a good look at the stars. I have a camera that I can zoom in and see the details of the stars. You would think for that amount of money they could at least have a high powered zoom. All you see is fuzzy white lights. The excuse I was given was that “since Covid” they are not using them. Phony excuse. We were given the usual fairy tale stories about how “millions of years ago” etc etc…. Fun stories for kids, but what are they trying to hide? Bring out the high powered lenses so we can actually see what you see. You have to be discerning when listening to “experts” on any subject, especially this one. Then the guide says “we accept tips” then stands there until people give him $ then you leave. It was freezing cold, and they give out blankets, which was nice. Dress warmer than you think you should if you go on this trip. Not worth the money though.
Apr 2022
This was amazing! Our guides were incredibly knowledgeable and entertaining. The gave us the perfect balance of science and folklore. The telescopes are unbelievable. We had a very bright full moon so we couldn't see as much, but we did see star clusters, awesome details on the moon - and a nebula! We had four people in our group, and we had a telescope just for us. They provided chairs and blankets, which was very much needed! My two teenage boys enjoyed the tour very much - it was just the right length to keep their interest. I would definitely take this tour again!

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