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Місто: Седона
Wed 25 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $120.00
Wed 25 Sep
Починаючи з $120.00
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Телескопи, лазерні указки, біноклі, крісла, дезінфікуючий засіб для рук
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (291)
Mar 2022
The biggest waste of money. Our guide was knowledgeable, but there was nothing to see. He used his laser pointer to point out stars, and that was the most exciting part of the tour. When we looked through the telescope, it literally looked the exact same as looking up into the sky without a telescope. We thought they were joking when we first looked through the telescope, but unfortunately it didn't get better when we viewed other things. At the end when the entire tour group was clearly upset and disappointed and we all were asking why we weren't looking at anything like the pictures posted on their website, we were told 3 things: those are stock images, all the planets are up in the daytime during this time of year, and the light from the full moon makes it too bright to see some things you can normally view. (Not okay to use stock images that aren't even close to the quality of things we actually get to see. So deceptive!!) That's fine, obviously we know they are not in control of what the sky is doing. However, they should put all of this info on their website so the paying customers can decide whether or not it will be worth our time and money. If there is nothing to view during certain times of year, DON'T DO TOURS or at the very least give a huge discount and again, let people know what to expect! This was the only outing we had booked in advance of our trip and the thing we were most looking forward to doing. I've never been so disappointed and honestly angry about feeling like we got taken for. It was an absolute joke.
Mar 2022
I maybe had higher expectations but the experience was different then what I expected. We only use the telescope 6 times sharing it with 6 other people and often all the view from the telescope looked the same with a lot of stars ⭐️ slightly brighter but not much bigger then what I expected. Because of the season we were not able to see any planets which would have been helpful. I was looking forward to seeing Saturn. It cost $20 for each 1 minute view x 6 =$120. For me it was overpriced. There was a strange tension during the experience that made it not very reLaxing as we all waited in the cold to look at clusters of stars. I hope others have a better time.
Mar 2022
Amazing experience and learned a lot! Very knowledgeable star gazing guides who will answer all questions. Would love to do it again on a more star/planet filled night.

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