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Місто: Седона
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $120.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $120.00
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Телескопи, лазерні указки, біноклі, крісла, дезінфікуючий засіб для рук
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (291)
May 2021
Highly recommend this to any family, couples, or friends looking to enjoy the beautiful desert skies above Sedona. The location was easy to find and directions given were precise. Our sky gazing time did get moved up by 30 minutes, but we were able to see about 5-6 distinct celestial features in about an hour. Telescopes and binoculars were fantastic quality, and Mauricio was quick to assist if necessary. Our astronomer was knowledgeable and loved answering group questions. I would recommend checking the temps! Our site was about 20 minutes outside Sedona in the village of Oak Creek, and by 9am temperatures were comfortable but worthy of a light jacket and long pants. Great activity to spend a night on!
May 2021
Underwhelming and totally not worth $400 for a family of 4. I was expecting really dark skies, but this was marginally better than what I see from my backyard. The scopes were 11 inch Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain - really nice scopes, all setup for the night’s tour. Started with Mars (why?!) and then some deep sky objects including open and globular star clusters, Bodes galaxy (the highlight of the tour), the Mizar double star system. Lots of Greek mythology, lots of constellations, a few very nice shooting stars, the Starlink satellite train (another highlight of the tour.) All in all, quite nice - but again, not worth $400+ for our family. Most disappointing was the fact that it was a totally underwhelming sky. They should have taken us out to a darker spot for sure. The hosts were really nice and knowledgeable and helpful. But the price was not right. And they should make it clear that the site is behind a school, next to a basketball court, with home and street lights around.
May 2021
I generally never write bad reviews and give benefit of the doubt to the service provider but I couldn't resist writing it because of the lack of value from this experience. We booked the tour with Sedona Stargazing company for the end of March viewing. I have to say I didn't have high expectation as far as being able to see good many objects. I would have been satisfied just to see one astronomical object clearly like they advertised on their website and been satisfied. But their telescopes showed the same objects you can see with the naked eye. We did not see a single object magnified. All were tiny specks just like you see with your own eyes. We paid over $400 for a family and pretty much got nothing in return. I even wrote email to them giving feed back and chance for them to reply but didn't get any. If you go with low expectations then you won't be disappointed.

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