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Місто: Седона
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $120.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $120.00
Що включено
Телескопи, лазерні указки, біноклі, крісла, дезінфікуючий засіб для рук
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (291)
Larry S
May 2021
Sedona Star Gazing with Dan as our guide, was an Awesome use of our last evening. We had a party of 4 and went to the assigned meeting place. We were led to the telescope and our seats. We sat and let our eyes adjust and listened to Dan give us the instructions, and information. With Covid Protocol each group had their own telescope, and seating area, which was great. We got to see many stars, constellations, and a real treat was many shooting stars. We had great views of the stars, and the Moon. It was chilly verging on cold but that’s what you can get in April. In their last E mail, they suggested dressing warmly. I strongly suggest you do something different; it was one of the highlights of our trip.
Apr 2021
The Astronomy Tour was one of the highlights of our trip. With Sedona being a designated Dark Sky area it was prime viewing along with the GPS auto find telescopes. Dan showed us things near and far, from the moon to deep space. It was an incredible tour of the night sky, which I normally don't think much about. Claudette gave easy to follow instructions for the telescopes and made sure we had a good view of the moon, Mars, stars in the constellations, and the clusters of stars in deep space. We even saw a "star nursery"! It was such an "eye opening" and interesting tour that we're considering getting a GPS telescope when we get home.
Apr 2021
Not worth the money. The pictures on the website are VERY deceiving. You will not see anything like this. You'll simply see a slightly larger bright dot, but nothing close to interesting or spectacular. The guide was very knowledgable, but talked really fast. He pointed out constellations, but he pointed the lazar quickly. I couldn't make out anything he was describing (i.e., legs, arms, head, etc.). We canceled another cheaper activity to do this and regret waisting the money.

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