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Акуляча клітка для дайвінгу на острові Оаху

Більше ніж просто пригода, цей пізнавальний тур перенесе вас у світ, який мало хто зможе відчути. Відкритий океанський світ акул!

Ми відвеземо вас за три милі від берега, де ви зможете спостерігати за галапагоськими та піщаними акулами в їхньому природному середовищі з безпечної плавучої клітки. Досвід підводного плавання не потрібен, ви входите в клітку зверху і тримаєтеся на поверхні за допомогою маски та трубки. Великі вікна з поліетиленового скла дозволяють зазирнути у відкритий океан і спостерігати за акулами, які витончено ковзають крізь глибоку синюву. Перебування в присутності таких вражаючих тварин назавжди змінить ваш погляд на акул.
Місто: Оаху
Mon 24 Feb
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $135.00
Mon 24 Feb
Починаючи з $135.00
Що включено
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Експертна бригада
Місцеві податки
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для всіх рівнів фізичної підготовки
  • Мінімальний вік 5 років
Політика скасування
Якщо ви скасуєте принаймні 3 дні до запланованого часу вильоту, ви отримаєте повне відшкодування.
Якщо ви скасуєте протягом 2 днів до запланованого вильоту, ви отримаєте 0% відшкодування.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (763)
Jun 2007
This was awesome! Everything about it was really great, definetley one of the most incredible things I've ever seen/ done. First of all, the crew on the boat (Phil and Rich, I believe) were really friendly, helpful and explained a lot of very cool shark physiology. When the first shark swam up to the boat (a HUGE tiger shark), Phil gently lifted her face out of the water, just like he was handling a puppy! He was perched on the back of the boat with absoloutley no fear of falling in the water with her. That was probably the most memorable moment of a very memorable vacation to Oahu. The cage was huge, big enough for several people (there were 6 of us, and we all had plenty of room to swim around in it). The water was clear enough to see the sharks swimming up to us from several dozen feet away. The sharks weren't acting aggressivley at all (and they were all tiger sharks), they were just swimming around rather peacefully, so I wasn't as scared as I thought I was going to be. The whole experience was amazing, just the sight of these incredible creatures combined with really knowledgable crew members made this one of the best things I've ever experienced. Do not miss this experience!! It will really change the way you feel about sharks!
Nov 2006
If you are on the Island of Oahu you have to go swim with the sharks. I rate this adventure as a 10+ thrill. From the first day I was in contact with Cecilla who gave me all the needed information I was hooked. I am in my mid 50's and took my 24 year old son with me. There was not one or two sharks, there were over a dozen. Plus we had a tiger shark come visit while we were in the cage. We took advantage of having us video taped. They do a super job with this video and I am glad we ordered it and recommend everyone to have them make a video for you. It might be on the high side but when you get back to the mainland and watch the video over and over again, then it is not that expensive. The crew was great and friendly and very informative when we asked questions. Buy the little cheap underwater camera's for your shots of the sharks, but make sure you order the video. Hawaii Shark Encounters gets our vote for the best Island attraction. Next time we come back we will definately do this again.
Oct 2006
My husband and I went on this adventure this past week. We are both around 30. We had Juan and Cole. They were both awesome and very knowledgable. They had water and Kool Aid on the boat, but were out of underwater cameras- MAKE SURE TO BRING a few!!!!! We drove three miles out and were the second group to jump in. There were seven all together, three in our group. The water was 78 degrees, but surprisingly still took my breath for a few seconds (that or knowing sharks were at my feet!) It did take about a minute for my heart to calm down and my breath to even out. I mean we were FACE to FACE with THREE TIGER SHARKS!!!! They came so close to the cage, I could see their teeth and we swear they were looking at us. Just as we ran out of film, Juan jumped in. I really wished I had fim then b/c he rode a few of the sharks. The male one was a little more fiesty, so he kept away from him, but it was SUCH an amazing site. If you do anything while in Hawaii, you have to do this. I felt safe the entire time and had the time of my life. I wanted to go again the next day! Thanks Juan and Cole!

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