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Зверніть увагу, що ви повинні вміти плавати, щоб навчитися пірнати з аквалангом. Ви також повинні мати відмінне здоров'я.
Місто: Кі Ларго
Sun 22 Sep
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Починаючи з $259.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $259.00
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Професійний інструктор з підводного плавання
Все необхідне для досвіду (академіки, прокат спорядження, тренування в басейні, інструктор на цілий день)
Місцеві податки
Все спорядження для підводного плавання
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослого
  • Не рекомендовано мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано вагітним мандрівникам
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Мінімальний вік становить 10 років
  • Потрібно мати відмінне здоров’я, див. обмеження щодо здоров’я нижче
  • Повинен знати, як комфортно плавати у відкритому океані
  • Потрібно заповнити медичну анкету, зверніться до обмежень щодо здоров’я нижче.
  • Не можна летіти на літаку або брати участь у будь-якій діяльності на великій висоті до 10 години ранку наступного дня.
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із інфекцією вуха або захворюванням вуха в анамнезі, втратою слуху
  • Не рекомендується рекомендовано мандрівникам, у яких в анамнезі були операції на вусі чи носових пазухах
  • Не рекомендовано мандрівникам із застудою, застійними явищами, синуситом або бронхітом
  • Не рекомендовано мандрівникам із серйозними проблемами дихання ергії або захворювання легенів
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із колапсом легенів (пневмоторакс) або операціями на грудній клітці в анамнезі
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам з активною астмою або емфіземою або туберкульозом в анамнезі
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників, які зараз приймають ліки, які містять попередження про будь-які порушення
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із психічними, психологічними проблемами чи розладами нервової системи?
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам, у яких в анамнезі була колостома.
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам, які страждають на високий кров’яний тиск, стенокардію або приймають ліки для контролю артеріального тиску?
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам старше 45 років і у кого в сімейному анамнезі був серцевий напад або інсульт
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам, в анамнезі яких була кровотеча або інші захворювання крові
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам з діабетом в анамнезі
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам, які мають судоми, непритомність, конвульсії, епілепсію або приймають ліки заходи для їх запобігання?
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам, які мають проблеми зі спиною, руками чи ногами після травми чи операції
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам, які бояться закритих або відкритих просторів
  • li>
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний мандрівникам і персоналу
  • Регулярна дезінфекція зон з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікується між використаннями
  • Посібники, необхідні для регулярного миття hands
  • Безконтактні платежі за чайові та надбавки
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (122)
Isabel A J
Oct 2018
SCUBA Fun has clearly had many satisfied customers with excellent dive experiences, and for the most part our diving was excellent with a professional dive instructor, Rafael, and boat captain from Sea Dwellers. SCUBA Fun kept our gear between dives and rinsed and organized it, and transported it to the dock for us. Water was provided on the boat and after every dive, the boat crew removed our tanks right as we stepped on the boat, which was much appreciated. The dive conditions were wonderful and we were advised about any potential adverse conditions and the reason for choosing each dive site. Our only complaint about the actual diving was the lack of safety stops on dives to 25-27 feet. While these are relatively shallow dives, they still exceed the PADI recommendation for a safety stop on any dive exceeding 15 feet. While more experienced divers may make the decision to exclude a safety stop, as a brand new diver, it was disconcerting not to be allowed to practice developing these safe diving habits. When asked, one of the other instructors on the boat bragged that she had been going three years without safety stops. We also felt the surface interval was often inadequate, about 25 minutes, especially for the older diver in our group. When asked why the safety stop was not an hour, we were informed it was because the boat would not have time to make it back to pick up afternoon divers. That is a business and scheduling decision, not a safety decision. Once again, some experienced divers may disagree with the necessity of safety stops and surface intervals and this review is from three point of view of a new diver. In terms of administration, SCUBA Fun is a perfect example of a “fair-weather friend” dive establishment. The dive shop owner, Anya, was very courteous to me over email while planning the trip and answered all of my many questions. From our first interaction as we arrived in the dive shop, an hour early due to my error misreading her email, we were repeatedly reminded that we had arrived early and it was treated as a huge inconvenience. Instead of telling us when we arrived that we should come back an hour later, she said it was okay for us to wait in the dive shop, but then as she prepared our paperwork she seemed to do so bedrudgingly and repeatedly appended “because, as I said, you came early” as if preempting complaints that we did not have. Repeatedly reminding us we made a mistake was not productive in any way and didn’t set a good tone. Throughout our followed interactions, I came to expect a perfectly poised and pleasant response when the question was ideal, and for any question or answer she seemed to feel was a silly question, she would answer with a level of sarcasm, condescension and snark. While I am sure she saw her words as humor, this type of attitude rarely functions humorously on an uneven playing field - an experienced dive instructor may find a question elementary, but it is a sincere question from a student. From someone who is in a teaching profession, she should know better than to make students feel that their questions or answers are stupid or make them reluctant to ask a question because they expect this attitude in response. We booked an Everglades tour through Garl’s Kayaking as part of our SCUBA Fun package. For the most part, it was very enjoyable and our guide very friendly. There could have been better communication prior to the tour to inform us the level of physical exertion required; the SCUBA Fun website has a short listing of the tour mentioning kayaking into the sunset. Our kayak through the mangroves was beautiful, leisurely, and fun. Our saltwater saltwater kayak experience was extremely exerting, with a lot of current on the open ocean, and I did not feel prepared or comfortable. Had we known prior to boarding the kayaks the second time, I would have happily chosen to pass on that portion of the tour and waited for our members to return. This is of course not under the control of SCUBA Fun, but since they facilitated booking this tour for us, perhaps they could have a handout with more information about the events of the tour, since Garl’s Kayaking did not provide this type of overview prior to leaving for the trip. When we called on Thursday to schedule a Saturday morning dive, we initially asked for Rafael, but we were told he was not available and that she would schedule us with a group guide at $20 per person. (When I simply clarified it was diving with a group, Anya laughed at the ridiculousness of my question, “of course you will not be getting a private dive every time”) We did not receive any further call from SCUBA Fun telling us otherwise, but apparently she was later able to book Rafael and had scheduled him for us. I ended up having a bad allergic reaction to an insect bite on my eyelid following our tour of the Everglades the following day, and had to cancel our following dives with SCUBA Fun, as I could not open that eye. Their cancellation policy was clearly stated in previous emails and I understand the inconvenience that we caused them and their instructor by cancelling. However, I truly dreaded calling to cancel because I expected to receive a lecture or attitude about it, and I should not have felt embarrassed like that for something outside my control. Overall, we had a good dive trip, but the interactions whenever things did not go perfectly according to SCUBA Fun’s expectations, even down to the level of wording a question, made me feel less than comfortable. Their opinion may be that they do not care to cater to overly sensitive clients. As a student in a high stress graduate program, I have never felt unwelcomed or made to feel bad about gaps in my knowledge, and have always been forthcoming and earnest with my questions in my attempt to learn - this is one of the times in my life I have learned it was preferred if I kept my mouth shut. SCUBA Fun instructors do speak French and German as well as English. When someone phoned Anya speaking in English, to ask about a guide in Spanish for their husband, she kindly referred them to another dive shop as they didn’t have anyone that day who spoke Spanish. It was very professional and courteous of them to prioritize the language needs and therefore safety of their client.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2018
Isabel, thank you very much for your side of the story. That is just what it is, your side of the story, and we are sorry you felt this way. It is sometimes difficult to please everybody, but we try very hard. We tried everything to accommodate all your wishes and repeatedly answer all the same questions, but we did not appreciate the threats or the attempts at blackmailing us so you would get a discount (which, to be fair, we had already given you, but that was not enough to stop the threats). Your arrival story is a matter of opinion. When you arrived an hour early and insisted we had given you the wrong info (which we hadn't), we apologized that we could not take care of you immediately, and when we got to you within 10 minutes, we apologized again for the delay. I guess you can see that as a reproach if you wish to. As for the safety stops and surface intervals, your PADI table gives you a bottom time of almost 4 hours at 30 feet, so there is no safety stop or surface interval necessary after a 50 minute dive to 30 feet. On the deeper dives, of course everybody here does a safety stop and has all necessary surface intervals. We hope you get some more wonderful and enjoyable dives under your belt, all the time feeling as safe and well treated as you actually are :-).
Aug 2018
First time I booked a trip with Scuba Fun was in 2017, when I wanted to go snorkeling with some buddies. The waters around Key Largo are so nice and the marine life so beautiful I decided to try the discover Scuba class in 2018. It was such a great experience (thank you Tanya) that I decided to go for my Open Water Diver license. I was able to convince my wife and 12-year old daughter to do the Discover Scuba class at the same time. I contacted Anya and, as always, she planned everything perfectly so we could all go diving together. As my wife and daughter got their first scuba experience with Tanya, Tom took me under his wings to teach me all the skills I needed to know to get certified. They are both amazing instructors, experienced and very patient. There is nothing bad to say about this place. All great people! Shout out to Tom for being a great guy and perfect diving instructor/buddy!
Christopher L
Jul 2018
What a wonderful experience! Anya really knows how to give exceptional customer service. She handled all the details of our excursion to the Christ statue for a day of diving, even meeting us dockside when we arrived back at port. Everyone should strongly consider booking with her organization. She really is a pro.

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