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Місто: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $235.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (36)
Apr 2022
We enjoyed a great tour of Napa with Aniko. Aniko was fun and informative and also provided us with great food and wine samples. This was our first visit to Napa and we would highly recommend this food and wine tour to get acquainted with all Napa has to offer. It was an opportunity to sample some of the best venues in Napa and was quite enjoyable.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2022
Thank you for your review with the lovely Aniko in Downtown Napa for your experience with Gourmet Food & Wine Tours. We so appreciate you taking the time to let other's know it was worth doing:-)
Apr 2022
The Yountville tour was fantastic! Our guide was Aniko. She was wonderful, the kind of person you are immediately comfortable talking with, as if you’ve known her for years. Her knowledge of each of the restaurant’s menus, their wine list and the history of the Yountville area was amazing. Her enthusiasm for all things culinary was infectious and the company is very fortunate to have her on their staff. My wife and I love fine dining. Like everyone, over the years we have found our favorite dishes, but favorites are safe and this was our time to be adventurous. We agreed in advance that we would trust our tour guide’s choices and approach each course with no preconceptions. Aniko didn’t disappoint. Each course was beautifully plated, and her wine selections made the flavors of each dish “pop”. Most importantly my wife and I renewed our appreciation for trying new culinary experiences. Aniko made our tour feel like we were on an episode of Anthony Bourdain. A little area history followed by really beautiful gourmet samples (some of which were almost to pretty to eat) and just the right wine. It would not surprise us at all if Aniko had her own TV show one day- She was that good. Thank you!!
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2022
This is such a wonderful description of Aniko and Yountville! Thank you for taking the time to write so much about your time with us this month. I AM so grateful for Aniko! She was a customer on my tour with me years ago in Yountville and I waited patiently for many, many moons until she could come and work for me! I really cherish customers like you as much as I do my amazing guides. Thank you for supporting our small business and for sharing with others how you loved your tour with Aniko and Gourmet Food & Wine Tours. We hope you will try another of our locations when you get the chance. In Full Gratitude, Renee
Apr 2022
I love food tours and try to do one on every trip, if available. This tour had less walking than I would have liked, but Aniko, our guide, was great and it was very fun. We started with a small producer rose and Cowgirl Creamery Devil’s Gulch cheese at V Marketplace. Walked around the Marketplace and then had chianti and the raviolo at Bottega. Normally the tour goes to La Calenda but we went to Coqueta instead, for dry sherry, boquerones, and patatas bravas. Then we finished with Kollar Chocolates and port in the garden of the French Laundry. I loved Yountville and would have liked to explore the main street a bit more, especially the Art Walk, but right as our tour was ending, the rain started pouring. Of course our guide can't control the weather! :)
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2022
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this thoughtful review of our foodie experience in Yountville with Aniko via Gourmet Food & Wine Tours. We appreciate knowing we are on track after the last two strained years! I cannot believe you got rain! In appreciation, Renee

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