No kidding. Guide Tom was terrific. Showed us how to simply float and let the manatees come to us. Truly remarkable how friendly and gentle and huge they are. One adult female actually rolled over, facing upward, and with her two arms held on to me for about 10 seconds. Then she gently tapped me on the head. One of the coolest experiences ever.
Speaking of cool, it was chilly that morning (low-mid 50s) which apparently greatly increases chances of manatee interaction. Water is a constant 72 which doesn’t seem cold but after an hour most people were quite cold, even with the full body wetsuit. If I get a chance to do this again, I’ll wear a neoprene shirt under the wetsuit. And I’ll definitely go with River Ventures again!
Response from Host
Apr 2019
Thank you for all the wonderful compliments, we really take that feedback to heart ! We appreciate your time and support....and we could not agree more about Tom!! He IS terrific! We pride ourselves in having a staff that delivers an awesome experience from beginning to end....manatees are only part of this show!! You definitely had a very unique and incredible encounter...that doesn't happen for everyone!! We think manatees are pretty great judges of character, so you must be pretty cool!! We hope you get back to see us again, and your manatee girlfriend will be waiting for you!