On a crisp April morning, Dan led our group out of Manhattan and into Brooklyn on the subway — a daring feat that few tour companies attempt. Looking at other walking tours, often you're made to complete an initial intelligence test by way of finding your own way to a suburb or area in New York. This was not the case with Dan and Streetwise. And may I just say, thank you because I'm not sure I would have passed. My navigation skills are somewhat lacking pre-9am in the morning.
Dan had some sort of internal-to-external GPS in his head, I assume implanted there many years ago, that meant he knew exactly where each member of our group was was at any given moment in time, which is how and why we made it to Brooklyn spirits intact and ready to learn.
Talking to Dan was like taking a sip of dark roast coffee on a cold winter morning. Because it actually felt as cold as mid-December anyway, this was especially welcomed by the group. We ate up every morsel of information offered as if we were starved.
I'm not saying I remember precisely everything that Dan said but even all these months later I've retained a surprising amount of the tour in my head. This is mostly because it was so interesting!
The pace was perfect for me — I was neither rushed nor slowed down by the group and Dan kept a keen eye on stragglers but steered them with a gentle hand. I felt like each and every one of us spoke one-to-one with Dan at one point or another, meaning the tour felt really personal too.