There are three main whale watching outfitters on Orcas Island, all considered to be good. However, by a stroke of luck, OIE was the first to return our phone message and we got on board the same day. OIE has the fastest boats on the sound which meant we could get to where the whales were known to be in the shortest amount of time. The naturalist, Katie, who was on our boat was as cute, puckish and charming as she was knowledgeable about the whales, their behaviors, and their habitat. We were fortunate to have gone out on a day of brilliant sunshine and mild temperatures that made standing on deck totally enjoyable. Not only did we see orcas, some of which passed right under our boat, we saw humpbacks lingering in the Sound beyond the time they are usually there. They were tail lobbing and flipper slapping and seemed to be as happy about the sunshine as we were. We could also hear them trumpeting from time to time, a somewhat rare event. Katie was the main reason we are giving OIE a five star rating; she was so informative, enthusiastic and eager to share her knowledge.