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Bilet wstępu do Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Busch Gardens Africa w Tampa to najlepszy rodzinny park rozrywki, oferujący niezrównane połączenie spotkań ze zwierzętami, rozrywki na żywo i światowej klasy ekscytujących przejażdżek.
Miasto: Tampa
Sat 05 Oct
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Zaczynać od $111.59
Sat 05 Oct
Zaczynać od $111.59
co jest zawarte
Bilet wstępu
Trasa i mapa
Punkt spotkania
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10165 N McKinley Dr,
Przed wizytą:
Krok 1: Zapoznaj się z Warunkami korzystania z usługi
Krok 2: Okaż eTicket wraz z dokumentem tożsamości ze zdjęciem przedstawicielowi parku przy bramkach obrotowych, znajdujących się przy głównym wejściu.

Warunki usługi:
Biletu elektronicznego nie można kopiować, przenosić ani odsprzedawać. Bilet jest ważny tylko dla osoby wymienionej na bilecie. Bilet nie podlega zwrotowi. Nieważne, jeśli zostały zmienione. Nie podlega wymianie na gotówkę. Kserokopie nie będą akceptowane. Wymagany bioskan i dowód tożsamości ze zdjęciem. Nie zostanie wymieniony, jeśli zostanie zgubiony lub skradziony. Pozostaje własnością SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. Zostanie skonfiskowany lub unieważniony bez zwrotu kosztów za nadużycie. Obowiązuje w normalnych godzinach pracy. Obowiązują daty wyłączenia. Bilet traci ważność po roku od daty zakupu.

** Uwaga ** Jeśli kupiłeś Bilet do Multiparku, koniecznie sprawdź kalendarz funkcjonowania każdego parku, ponieważ mają one różne dni otwarcia i mogą być otwarte tylko sezonowo **

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Punkt końcowy
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Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Wszystkie obszary i powierzchnie są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Niemowlęta w wieku poniżej 3 lat (2 lata i 11 miesięcy) nie wymagają wstępu. Może być wymagany dokument potwierdzający wiek, taki jak akt urodzenia.
  • Wózki inwalidzkie można wypożyczyć na zasadzie „kto pierwszy, ten lepszy”.
  • Uwaga: data wybrana w momencie rezerwacji dotyczy planowanej daty podróży. Ten bilet jest przeznaczony tylko dla mieszkańców USA, przy bramce można sprawdzić dowód zamieszkania.
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Płatności zbliżeniowe za napiwki i dodatki
Czego oczekiwać
Ogrody Buscha
Busch Gardens, jedno z najlepszych ogrodów zoologicznych w Ameryce Północnej, pozwala spotkać się twarzą w twarz z bardziej egzotycznymi i zagrożonymi zwierzętami niż w jakimkolwiek innym miejscu poza Afryką. Przygotuj się na ekscytujące emocje z SheiKra - pierwszą w Ameryce kolejką górską do nurkowania. Odkryj kolorową wioskę położoną wśród wysokich drzew, eksploruj 3-piętrową krainę zabaw pełną sieci wspinaczkowych i tuneli eksploracyjnych, wzbij się ponad wierzchołki drzew podczas przygody na tyrolce lub wystrzel w niebo z wnętrza 35-metrowego (10-metrowego) wodospadu. Następnie stań twarzą w twarz z orangutanami i sprawdź swoje siły w przeciąganiu liny z tygrysem bengalskim, a wszystko to w Jungali - jedynej dżungli na świecie, która się z tobą bawi. Aby uzyskać dodatkową zabawę, wybierz jedną z opcji biletów łączonych z SeaWorld Orlando, Adventure Island Tampa i Aquatica Orlando! Dostępne są również całodniowe pakiety parkingowe i nieograniczone pakiety parkingowe.
Zasady anulowania
Wszystkie wyprzedaże się skończyły. W przypadku anulowania nie ma możliwości zwrotu pieniędzy.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (656)
Otwórz w Mapach Google
Apr 2022
We arrived from opening time and stayed till close and still only managed to get on 5 rides, biggest waste of time and money. Most of the rides broke down throughout the day, loads of big school groups saving places in the queue and letting all others in, staff not bothered by it. Parking for the day $35 the biggest rip off and waste of a day. All the little food kiosks were closed, the main restaurants was endless queues. If your thinking of visiting don’t bother. Even the train ride was sad.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Apr 2022
We regret to read about any disappointment experienced during your visit. Unfortunately, despite annual maintenance and daily operating inspections, our attractions can experience technical difficulties, just as any other mechanical device. In most cases, we are able to re-open attractions quickly. That was our hope on the date you visited, and we sincerely apologize that we were not able to meet these expectations we strive to exceed. We would like to assure you that we have forwarded your comments regarding closures and queue lines to the appropriate leadership team for their continued improvement. If you need additional assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected]. -AN
Bob C
Apr 2022
Platinum passes were a good deal. Not anymore. Use to get 6 people in the park anytime for the year. Now 2 people every 4 months. Doesn't say on line. Food all day wrist bands only can be used once in each hour an a half now. It you get a water because of thrist, you lose the drink for your meal. No alcohol with bands. No kiosk open. Employees not as friendly, not all bad but more than usual.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Apr 2022
Thank you for sharing your comments regarding your recent visit. Your feedback is a valuable tool that we do not take for granted. We regret to read about any confusion regarding some of the recent changes to redemption of Free Guest Tickets and the All-Day Dining Deal. For the most up to date information on both, we recommend visiting our website to review the details of these products. We would like to assure you that we have forwarded your comments to our leadership team for their continued improvement. Additionally, if you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]. -AN
Apr 2022
My girlfriend and I went to the ticket booth to buy tickets, but it turns out you save money by doing it on the app, so we did that instead. It didn’t take too long and it allowed us to easily scan from my phone. We walked through the gate and I already loved the vibe here. I could already tell we were going to come back the next day, so I went and upgraded our Single-Day Tickets to the Bronze Annual Passes. It was roughly $60 for each ticket upgrade. After we did that, I purchased an All-Day Dining Pass. It was almost $50 and it allowed me to get one Entrée, one side or dessert item, and one beverage once every 90 minutes. That was way too hard to pass up and gave the perfect opportunity to try the different restaurants Busch Gardens had to offer. We tried Zagora Café for our first restaurant. This was located about a minute past the entrance in a nice central location. I got the Hand-Breaded Chicken Tenders and they were served with seasoned waffle fries. I got a Diet Coke for my beverage. The Tenders were good quality. I actually didn’t expect them to be as good as they were. To keep it simple, everything I got was good here! For our second meal, we tried Oasis Pizza. I got the Pepperoni Pizza and a Diet Coke. This was all good! The Pizza had an oval shape and packed with a lot of flavor for being a quicker serve type of Pizza place. For our third meal, we went to Zambia Smokehouse. I got the Pulled Pork Sandwich with seasoned waffle fries, Mac & Cheese, and a Diet Coke. The Sandwich was on the okay line. It was on the dry side of the spectrum and didn’t have as much barbecue sauce as I would have hoped and dreamed for. The bun also didn’t seem to be too fresh. The seasoned waffle fries were basically the same as Zagora Café. The Mac & Cheese was dried up and lacked flavor. The Diet Coke was probably the best thing here, oddly. I wasn’t too hot on this place. I’m thinking they may have a better item on their menu. Maybe I’ll give them another go in the future. The animals that were scattered around the park were all so different and yet all were amazing in their own unique way. I like how they’re mixed in throughout the park and not just dedicated to their own section. The Cheetahs seemed very tamed and loved by the park. They reminded me almost as a household pet. That right there was enough to show me that this park cares for their animals. We rode Cheetah Hunt, which was right past the actual Cheetahs. It was our first coaster experience at Busch Gardens. The line was only about 25 minutes. This coaster tore up the track! It’s a must ride for sure, but make sure to give the Cheetahs some attention first! They had a cool souvenir penny machine near Cheetah Hunt that you get to crank and press your own penny. It was only $1.00 and they provide the penny for you. I got a few of them. They were based primarily on the Cheetahs and Cheetah Hunt at this machine. Montu looked to be an extreme ride. It was a really quick wait for us. It was maybe a 15 minute wait, but either way, I hated this ride! The way it inverted was too extreme and not separated well in my opinion. I ride a lot of coasters from different parks and this one made me sick. I’m usually not prone to getting sick on a ride. I’m just giving a fair warning to brace yourself for this one. I don’t regret riding it, as it looked tempting. If you’re like me and need to tackle each coaster, then proceed. SheikRa was my favorite coaster here! The slow, uphill incline was already spine tingling, but then they teeter you very slowly as a tease before your plummet! That made the drop all the more amazing! This ride even splashes guests in a designated area near the ground. The riders don’t get wet, but the people sure do! We went to ride Kumba, but the shattered phones that were displayed before the ride scared me enough to have to rent a locker. It was a two hour rental for two dollars, so it wasn’t horrible. Kumba seemed to be a hidden ride to me. I didn’t get to see the whole track until I was on the ride. That made it more interesting. I’d say it was a lighter version of Montu. I wouldn’t say I’m a big fan of this one, but it was a lot better than Montu. The Scorpion was hidden in Pantopia. I didn’t even really see this coaster until last second. I almost even confused it as a children’s coaster. It moves a bit faster than it may look, but I’d say it’s a great family ride. There wasn’t a wait at all really and I recommend it. You can’t beat a quick thrill with no line. Tigris was an interesting coaster. I wasn’t exactly sure how it looked as far as the track, but I stood in line anyways for it. It swayed us back and forth until it gained enough momentum to go around the full track to finish us off. The Sand Serpent was a mouse coaster. You either like these types of coasters or you don’t. I don’t care for them, so I wasn’t a fan of this one, either. It was a two-seat cart and it hit every corner really rough. It didn’t seem safe to be honest. The Serengeti Express was a train ride that takes you through the main grounds of the large animals. It takes you to different parts of the park as well. You get to see the Rhinos pretty close, which you can’t really see them elsewhere. I enjoyed this relaxing train ride and it’s a great family adventure. Towards the end of the day, we stumbled upon Sultan’s Sweets. This was near the park entrance, so I figured that was a great stop for a sweet tooth at the end of the day. We got the Chocolate Cake, a Chocolate Brownie, and a Chocolate Chip Cookie. The Chocolate Cake was decent, but I wish the frosting was more rich and flavorful. The Cooke had a good texture to make for a good sweet. The Brownie was rich in flavor, so that was really good. I’d say it was better than the other two items. The second day, I started off with a Pretzel with cheese and a Souvenir Diet Coke at Coca-Cola Freestyle shop. Getting the Souvenir Cup entitles you to free refills all day on the purchase date. The Diet was great and so was the Pretzel with cheese. This was a quick stop that was well worth it. We had heavy bags, so we needed to rent a Jumbo locker for $25.00. It was pretty steep on price, but almost necessary if we wanted a less stressful day. After that, I even upgraded my Bronze Annual Pass to the Silver Annual Pass. It was roughly another $55.00. For a meal, we tried out Dragon Fire Grill & Pub. At this place, they do things a bit differently. There’s a few lines with different cuisine options to choose from. We chose Asian Wok to switch things up a bit. I got the 2 Item Combo with Teriyaki Chicken and Beef & Broccoli served with Asian Noodles. The quality wasn’t great. I’d say it was right on the average line. I liked the Noodles more than the Chicken and Beef, weirdly. We rode Cobra’s Curse. This ride had an interactive line. I liked the theme they had here and it made the line go by quicker. This ride was a spinning coaster, so it was pretty crazy. It led us up an elevator-type shaft to the top. You may get a bit dizzy, but it was a good ride! The Giraffe Bar was basically a must. We shared the Serengeti Sunrise, which was a frozen cocktail with Rum, Strawberry, and Orange. It was amazing! Right past the bar, you can head outside on a nice little patio with excellent views of the Giraffes. It was relaxing and unique. We were still on vacation and figured, we’ll, let’s go a third day, so we did. At this point, I’m pretty sure we already got our money’s worth on the Passes. It was also the Food & Wine Festival, so that would make for a totally different experience. We got the lanyard that included 10 samples for $65.00. This allowed us to mix and match samples from the Festival with the logo. For our first sample stop, we went to West Coast Catch. We got the Harvest Chipotle BBQ Shrimp Tacos with Creamy Ranch Slaw, Pipian Sauce, and Cotija. We got the wine that pared with it, which was Martin Codax Albarino. To be honest, the Shrimp Taco was really bad. The Wine was also horrible. It was a bad start to the Festival. I recommend steering clear of this stop. We went to Xcursions, which was right near West Coast Catch. We got a two-pack of the Havana (Guava & Cream Cheese) Cupcakes and the Intercept Pinot Noir Wine By The Glass. The Cupcakes only required one sample punch, so you can’t really beat that. They weren’t too bad. I wouldn’t pay the full price on them if I didn’t have the lanyard, though. The wine was okay. At Springs Creamery, we got the Brownie Funday!! and the Notorious Pink Grenache as the wine pairing. The Brownie was really good. The wine was alright. It was better than the others we tried. We stopped at Southern Kitchen and got the Jack Daniel’s Tennessee BBQ Short Ribs and paired it with the 19 Crimes Snoop Dog Cali Red wine. The Ribs were on a Cornmeal Muffin. It was a great piece, but the wine was horrible! We got to ride the brand new Iron Gwazi! It just opened, so it was an honor to be there. This really made the day worth it. This ride also basically requires you to rent a locker for two dollars if you care about your belongings being crushed. The line sure was long, but what can you expect for a new coaster? This was a hybrid between wood and steel. The drop was almost a complete vertical drop. This ride will surely make you feel alive and almost reborn. I’d go on it again multiple times! We got drinks from Coaster Cocktails. I got the Iron Gwazi Fizz to celebrate as one of the first riders. It had Hendrick’s Gin, Lavender, Lemonade, Grenadine, Blue Curacao, and Soda. It was extremely refreshing. It was without a doubt, the best drink I had all day. I was hoping it would be wine, but oh well. We stopped by Xcursions again for our last sample. We grabbed a different flavor of Cupcakes for the two-pack. We grabbed the Black Berry Pinot Noir Cupcakes. These were great. The fruit paired nice with the frosting. Towards the end of our visit, I felt empowered to upgrade my pass again, so I went for the Gold Annual Pass. It was another $40 roughly to upgrade from Silver to Gold. Overall, Busch Gardens was a fun experience in almost every category. My favorite would have to be, of course, the animals. Some of their rides will mess your head up, but some will give you an amazing thrill! With that being said, you can switch back and forth to do totally different things during your day. This place is really large, though, so I recommend going for at least two days. If you’re planning on going during the Food & Wine Festival, that’s also a must. Since I got an Annual Pass, obviously I plan on returning here!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Apr 2022
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing such a detailed review. It seems like you were able to get in a little bit of everything in these two days. We're thrilled to see your now part of the Pass Member family. Keep an eye on the website for some incredible Annual Pass Member benefits! -LJ

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