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Wycieczka Ghost and Haunt po Gatlinburgu

Spaceruj bocznymi drogami Gatlinburga i poznaj jego nawiedzoną historię i folklor podczas tej nocnej wycieczki. Dzięki przewodnikowi dowiesz się, jak i Ty możesz robić zdjęcia zjawisk paranormalnych. Użyj sprzętu do polowania na duchy, takiego jak widzisz w telewizji, aby potencjalnie komunikować się z duchami po drodze.
Wycieczka jest pieszą wycieczką na świeżym powietrzu, ponieważ jest dużo miejsca na zachowanie dystansu społecznego, a maski są opcjonalne. Jest przystosowany dla wózków inwalidzkich i wózków i zwierzęta towarzyszące są dozwolone.
Niestety, ze względu na późny czas zakończenia, Trolly nie kursują tak późno, ale oferujemy bezpłatny parking i oczywiście taksówki i Uber, Lyft są dostępne.
Spacer to około jednej mili po płaskim terenie utwardzony teren rozłożony na 2 godziny z dużą ilością przystanków, więc bałagan i relaksujący spacer, ale podczas wycieczki nie ma miejsc do siedzenia ani toalet.
To nie jest prywatna wycieczka. Grupy mogą być tak duże, jak dwudziestolatkowie w najbardziej ruchliwych porach, ale przeciętnie od nastolatków do dwudziestolatków.
Miasto: Gatlinburg
Tue 01 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $30.00
Tue 01 Oct
Zaczynać od $30.00
co jest zawarte
Profesjonalny przewodnik
Wszystkie aktywności
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Wszystkie obszary i powierzchnie są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej.
  • Wymagana minimalna liczba 4 rezerwacji na wycieczkę; w przypadku mniej niż 4 rezerwacji wycieczka może zostać anulowana
  • Dzieciom musi towarzyszyć osoba dorosła
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich; prosimy o poinformowanie w momencie rezerwacji, czy wymagana jest pomoc na wózku inwalidzkim.
  • Działa w każdych warunkach pogodowych; proszę odpowiednio się ubrać
  • Przewodnicy muszą regularnie myć ręce
  • Wycieczka odbywa się na zewnątrz z dużą ilością miejsca na zachowanie dystansu społecznego. Maski są opcjonalne, ponieważ zgodnie z lokalnymi przepisami odbywa się to na zewnątrz
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (856)
Jun 2020
We took this tour on a Monday night. We were disappointed in both the story telling and the lack of actual haunted locations. Met in parking lot and were given equipment that never actually produced anything nor were used on the tour. Walked a fee blocks but the haunted spots they discussed were said to be burned down or in other locations. No cemetery either.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2020
I am sorry you were disappointed. Unfortunately, we can not make the ghosts parade for you. Some nights are more active than others and If the equipment didn’t respond in the way you were hoping it must have been one of those nights. I am not sure what you mean by the equipment not being used, it is used on every tour as we are doing the tour, we do not on this tour actually stop and investigate areas, we are already one of the longer walking tours in the country at 2 hours we do not have the time to do more than we do, However we do have an investigation tour where we actually spend some time investigating but that is 3.5 hours long and more expensive. Some people have expectations that they will see something with there naked eye and you won’t get that anywhere unless you are a sensitive. So to say there was a lack of haunted locations is not accurate. As for the story telling, I am sorry you didn’t enjoy the story’s most people do but everyone has their own tastes and opinions. Lastly, you commented on the cemetery. We (all ghost tours) are not allowed by the city to take you there, if we did we were threatened by the police to have our guests arrested for trespassing, I am sure you wouldn’t want that. We have not gone there for 3 years. No where do we advertise that we do.
Jun 2020
This was a real waste of money! The guide brought her soon to be mother-in law claiming that she was training her. They drove a junky car where we met, to start the tour. She said if we chased any bears that she would yell at us like we were kids! Before the tour started we wasted fifteen minutes for her to give us stupid ghost toys that were probably programmed to go off at certain areas of the tour, again treating us like children! The few stories she told us was on the lame side very boring! Dont waste your money on this tour and two hours of your life!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2020
I am sorry you felt this way. Normally we meet in the lobby of the smoky mountain resort but due to covid-19 restrictions we are not allowed to, so like 95% of all ghost walk tours in the world we must meet on the street or in our case, in a parking lot. As a matter of fact she is training someone currently and whether this person is her future mother in law is frankly irrelevant. The guide in question does not have a brand new car you are correct (unfortunatly, not all of us can afford a new car) but it is not falling apart and what the personal car she drives is honestly her business and what you drive is yours. As for her comments about the bears, we do give a safety chat about bears as some people don't realize they are still wild animals and while they will ignore you if you don't bother them, they are not stuffed animals to try to hug. (unfortunately some have tried!) I am sorry you feel that treats you as children. While I was not there I did speak with the guide and she did tell me that when she talked about the bears that you could have interpreted her tone of voice as "lecturing" I have spoken with her about it and hopefully she will do better next time. I do apologize to you if you felt the way she spoke was inapropriate. As for wasting your time with "kids" toys. These "toys" are the same used on TV by all the ghost hunting shows. None are cheap and some of them are quite expensive. We cannot "set them to go off at various places on the tour" I am not sure why you feel the need to accuse without any facts whatsoever. If you didn't want to use them you did not need to and the time taken in passing them out did not take away from your time on the tour. I am not sure how letting people use ghost hunting equipment (which is very popular by the way) constitutes treating our guests like children. As for your opinion that the stories we tell are lame and boring we have hundreds of 5 star reviews and have earned 4 Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence awards in a row with full expectation of a 5th when they announce the awards anytime now. So, while you certainly have a right to your opinion, the vast vast majority of people have a great time and enjoy the stories and the equipment.
May 2020
They took the cemetery out of the tour. I wanted a refund back. But it was interesting........ 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
May 2020
We don't say anywhere in our advertising that we go to the cemetery. The city stopped us from going there about three years ago, we have no choice. You, however are free to go there. No one asked for a refund and I am not sure who you are..... You did get a two hour tour that you said was interesting yet you think you should get a refund because you assumed something we don't advertise?

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