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Wycieczka autobusowa Grand Canyon South Rim z opcjonalnymi ulepszeniami

Usiądź wygodnie i zrelaksuj się, gdy kierowca autokaru zabierze Cię w podróż z narracją z Las Vegas do południowej krawędzi Wielkiego Kanionu. Możesz ulepszyć swoją wycieczkę, aby obejmowała bilety ze zniżką na niesamowity materiał filmowy kanionu IMAX w Centrum dla zwiedzających Wielkiego Kanionu podczas jedynej wycieczki autobusowej po południowej krawędzi, która zatrzymuje się w centrum. Inne ulepszenia obejmują zabawną wycieczkę hummerem i ekscytujący lot helikopterem przez kanion. Lunch, gwarantowane 2-godzinne zwiedzanie Parku Narodowego, odbiór i dowóz do hotelu - wszystko to wliczone w tę jednodniową wycieczkę z Las Vegas.

**Uwaga: dotyczy rezerwacji dokonanych od 16 marca 2022 r., wyświetlana cena nie obejmuje opłaty paliwowej w wysokości 10 USD za osobę. Opłata ta jest płatna bezpośrednio u dostawcy w dniu wycieczki **
Miasto: Las Vegas
Mon 24 Feb
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $107.00
Mon 24 Feb
Zaczynać od $107.00
co jest zawarte
Odbiór i dowóz do hotelu z większości hoteli w Las Vegas Strip i Downtown
Dostarczony kupon na posiłek (jeśli wybrano tylko wycieczkę lub wybrano opcję IMAX)
Woda butelkowana
Lunch w pudełku w Wielkim Kanionie (jeśli wybrano opcję helikoptera lub hummera)
Klimatyzowany pojazd
Opowiadana wycieczka autobusowa do Grand Canyon South Rim i National Geographic Visitors Center
Lot helikopterem nad South Rim (jeśli wybrano taką opcję)
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Niemowlęta muszą siedzieć na na kolanach dorosłych
  • Możliwości transportu są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Wszystkie obszary i powierzchnie są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Niemowlęta 23 miesiąca życia i młodsze są uważane za dziecko na kolanach.
  • Dzieci w wieku od 2 lat wymagają miejsca
  • Ceny dla dorosłych dotyczą wszystkich pasażerów
  • Można pomieścić składane wózki inwalidzkie pod warunkiem, że pasażerowi towarzyszy osoba, która może pomóc mu wsiąść i wysiąść z autobusu.
  • Autobusy wyposażone w windę są oferowane w zależności od dostępności i mogą być niedostępne. Jeśli wymagany jest autobus wyposażony w windę, wymagane jest powiadomienie z trzydniowym wyprzedzeniem i natychmiast po dokonaniu rezerwacji należy skontaktować się z lokalnym organizatorem wycieczek, aby potwierdzić swoją prośbę.
  • Autokary są klimatyzowane i wyposażone w toalety , rozkładane siedzenia, monitory wideo i duże okna
  • Informujemy, że w dowolnym miejscu lub atrakcji mogą wystąpić okresy oczekiwania ze względu na pogodę lub liczbę pasażerów
  • Odbiór z hotelu jest dostępny w godz. tę wycieczkę/aktywność. Uwaga: w zależności od hotelu autobusy mogą nie być w stanie wjechać lub wjechać do każdej nieruchomości. W takim przypadku odbiór może zostać przekierowany na centralny przystanek autobusowy lub do pobliskiego hotelu. Dokładne szczegóły dotyczące odbioru zostaną przekazane gościowi po ponownym potwierdzeniu przez lokalnego organizatora wycieczek.
  • Maseczki wymagane od podróżnych w miejscach publicznych
  • Maseczki wymagane od przewodników w miejscach publicznych
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Pojazdy transportowe regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Przewodniki wymagane do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Regularne kontrole temperatury personelu
  • Maski są obecnie wymagane dla wszystkich osób w wieku powyżej dwóch lat, niezależnie od statusu szczepień, w budynkach i środkach transportu publicznego. Maski muszą być noszone przez wszystkich w pojeździe podczas wycieczek po parku.
Czego oczekiwać
Teatr Wielkiego Kanionu Imax
Opcjonalna aktualizacja: Doświadcz spektakularnego smaku Wielkiego Kanionu, jeśli weźmiesz udział w pokazie najczęściej oglądanego filmu w historii IMAX, The Grand Canyon Discovery and Adventure. Materiał nagrany przez samoloty, helikoptery, lotnie i kajaki jest naprawdę niesamowity.
Centrum dla zwiedzających Wielkiego Kanionu South Rim
Podczas ekskluzywnego postoju w National Geographic Visitors Centre zjesz lunch (wliczony w cenę) przed obejrzeniem eksponatów National Geographic dotyczących Wielkiego Kanionu, w tym niesamowitej galerii zdjęć. Tutaj będziesz cieszyć się lunchem, w którym możesz dostać (wliczone w cenę wycieczki) - pizzę, delikatesową świeżą kanapkę lub sałatkę dla smakoszy oraz wybór ciasteczek, frytek, jabłek lub sałatki bocznej i sody, soku, kawy, gorącej czekolady lub herbata.
Południowa krawędź Wielkiego Kanionu
Wycieczka jeepem z opcją IMAX: Spotkaj się ze swoim przewodnikiem przy wejściu do parku na 2-godzinną wycieczkę jeepem wzdłuż krawędzi. Twój przewodnik opowie Ci o historii kanionu, dramatycznej geologii, dzikiej przyrodzie i niezwykłym krajobrazie tego cudu natury, które zostały ujawnione poprzez historie, fakty i legendy. Podróżuj wzdłuż oszałamiającej South Rim, kończąc na Grandview Point, i podziwiaj jedne z najbardziej rozległych, wspaniałych i wspaniałych widoków! Twoja wycieczka kończy się w kinie IMAX na obejrzenie filmu.
Park Narodowy Wielkiego Kanionu
Opcja helikoptera: Dlaczego nie ulepszyć swojej wycieczki, aby obejmowała około 25-minutowy lot helikopterem nad niesamowitym Wielkim Kanionem. Naprawdę nie ma lepszego sposobu, aby doświadczyć ogromu tego cudu świata. Z tą opcją nie odwiedzisz Mathers Point.
Punkt macierzysty
Następnie udaj się do Parku Narodowego, gdzie odwiedzisz dwa najbardziej spektakularne punkty widokowe. Wybierz się na wędrówkę różnymi szlakami do punktów widokowych, takich jak Mather Point.
Jasny Punkt Anioła
Spójrz na budzące podziw piękno tego siódmego cudu świata przyrody. Odwiedź także zabytkowy El Tovar Lodge, gdzie możesz kupić pamiątki!
W drodze powrotnej do jasnych świateł Las Vegas zatrzymasz się w Kingman Arizona w McDonalds na kolację (koszt własny). Wrócisz do Las Vegas w samą porę na wieczorne wyjście na miasto!
Show 4 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (1000)
Nov 2022
My wife and I went on the Grand Canyon South Rim tour on Tuesday Nov 8th, 2022. It is important to understand that this review is not of the canyon itself, as such a glorious and majestic place can never be “judged” and we just need to relish in its breathtaking beauty. Prior to taking the trip, I called the customer support line a couple of times and each call was answered by Alexis, she was outstanding each time and very helpful. On the day of the trip (we were staying at the Bellagio) the coach arrived on time, no issue there. However, for a trip that we knew would last about 14 hours with about 11-22 of those hours sat on a coach, I was not impressed when a Freightliner ECoach 45 rolled up! These types of coaches may be great for taking a group of party people on a bar hopping trip around a city for a few hours but not for 600+ miles round trip in one day. The seats are narrow and very uncomfortable, but the vinyl faux leather material added to the discomfort. Our driver Robert LaRoche, was a very nice person, he introduced himself at the start and immediately explained that this was his first “official” trip as a driver for Gray Line as he had only just finished his training; there was a lady sat in the front with him who seemed to be a supervisor as it was his first outing. After doing a head count (multiple times as he kept miscounting) he explained that the on-board toilet at the back of the bus was out of order! Are you kidding me? Gray Line Tours sent a vehicle on a fourteen-hour day trip knowing that the onboard toilet was not working! And he once again reminded us that this was his first trip. We eventually got underway and made a couple of very brief stops to pick up other guests at their respective hotels. Robert’s narration was interesting at times, as he delivered some facts about Vegas and Paradise. He also detailed much of his personal life and how long he had been in Vegas and how much he “loved” the place. We initially thought that as the journey progressed, he would give himself (and us!) a break from talking but OH NO! Robert just rambled on and on and on and on! It was like he felt he HAD to say something to impress the supervisor sat up front with him, my wife even said some of what he was saying was simply made up to enable him to keep talking! He just spoke for the sake of speaking. His rambling got so ridiculous at one stage he even said the following when talking about his relationship with his wife, and I quote; “Folks, did you know that women use more than 10,000 words per day and men only use 200?” REALLY!!!! During his talking there were definite problems with the microphone system he used, but once again he reminded us that “this was his first trip, and he is new”. After a couple of hours and once we picked up speed the highways, it became evident that there was a problem with the front passenger door not being able to close/lock properly (coach number 5011), my wife and I were sat in the front two seats on the right side and the front door was being blown open slightly at the top where there did appear to be a locking device; this situation caused a lot of wind noise coming into the vehicle which made the journey even more uncomfortable and also made it almost impossible to hear Robert talking (maybe it was a blessing in disguise?). When I mentioned this to Robert, he said he did not know how to fix it as he was not familiar with the bus because . . . yes you guessed it, he was new. After a couple of stops we eventually arrived at the Grand Canyon Visitor Center for what was described a lunch at a Pizza Hut, where we were permitted to have one small entrée, a side, and a drink after a five hour uncomfortable journey . . . enough said on that! The two stops at the Canyon, Mather Point and Blue Angel Lodge were excellent viewing spots, but the time spent at each location did not please many of the passengers on this trip due to the short and rushed nature of each visit. Is there an answer to this? Probably not, due to the total length of the trip, so this is a difficult one to solve. The return journey commenced and once again Robert told us that another piece of equipment was out of order, this time it was the on-board video system. He said there would normally be a film to watch for the passengers on the long journey home, but he and the supervisor could not get it to work and once again he reminded that, yes, he was new and wasn’t familiar with the system. Surely, if someone is starting a new job with various items of equipment that he/she will be required to operate, wouldn’t it be prudent to learn how to use them or have whoever is training that person teach them how to use it before the journey commences? Common sense and good training don’t you think? Robert did inform us that we would be changing drivers once we arrived in Kingman, AZ (I suppose this was because he is only permitted to drive for so many hours in one stint?). We arrived at a large parking lot in Kingman, and the opportunity for passengers to grab a bite to eat at a McDonald’s was available. My wife and I only decided to stretch out legs and after short time we got back on the bus. And this is where the driver situation went from one extreme to the other regarding their relative personalities! Our new driver got on board, with just me and my wife and a couple of others sat in our seats, I said good evening to her and she never responded, perhaps she didn’t hear me? I tried again and still no response, OK I thought, perhaps she is busy getting ready and doing her prechecks. As the clock arrived at the departure time, we were still missing a few passengers (still getting their Big Macs probably!) and the driver, who had still not said anything to anyone, pressed on the buses horn to remind the stragglers to get a move on (a good move in some ways as there were some folks “lolly gagging”). Once everyone was on board the, new driver walked down (no, she charged down) the aisle of the bus and conducted a head count using a clicker (please get one for Robert!). She then got in her seat and off we went heading back to Las Vegas. We waited for a nice friendly introduction from her, and waited, and waited, and waited . . .in vain. She did not say word, NOT ONE WORD. With still a good 2 or 3 hours left on the journey we thought she would maybe get out of the busy areas and then say something, like introduce herself . . . NOPE, not one word, not even a suggestion of a word came out of her mouth for the entire journey, NOT ONE SENTENCE, WORD, SYLLABLE OR SOLITARY LETTER LEFT HER LIPS! And I was awake all the time. Once we were about half-way into this leg of the journey, the radio on the bus suddenly came on “mysteriously” (the radio is located at front of the foremost left side seats), no passenger(s) activated the radio. After a few minutes (it was not loud by the way) the driver pulled over on the hard shoulder of the freeway, (it was also raining at this time) stopped the bus and then turned around, leaned over driver cabin front seats, and turned it down, without saying a word (surprise, surprise!). About 5-10 minutes later the radio was obviously getting on her nerves (but not the passengers’) and again she pulled over on the busy freeway (still pouring down with rain) and again she turned around, leaned over driver cabin front seats but this time she turned off the radio in a frustrated slapping manner. At this time, she did not ask anyone if they minded that she turn off the radio. The final “act” of the last couple of hours occurred when the two passengers opposite me and my wife (at the front of the bus) turned to us and asked us if we were getting wet with rain? Coincidentally just a few seconds before they asked us, my wife said to me that she could feel rain drops. At first, we thought this was down to the front not being able to lock correctly and the gap in the door/entrance opening when driving at speed; within seconds we noticed that the driver had opened the window on the passenger side of the front cabin area causing the wind and rain to sprinkle the front couple of rows with a light but unwelcome spray! Had the driver really done this without letting us know? Yes, she had, because this was her attitude throughout the entire journey that she was behind the wheel. The difference between the two drivers could not even be described as “polar-opposites”; the replacement driver said NOTHING throughout the ENTIRE journey, this is NOT an exaggeration. Once we arrived back in Las Vegas she dropped off the passengers at their respective hotels and the silence continued, even when passengers thanked her. No acknowledgement from her whatsoever and not “Thank you for traveling with Gray Line” If this is the way she represents your company, then you have a serious problem with this individual. She did nothing to ensure that the comfort, enjoyment level and overall experience for the passengers was one that they would remember for the right reasons! Robert at least had some personality! I hope these issues will be addressed with both drivers, particularly Robert’s relief.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Nov 2022
Dear cariadsam16, Thank you for being a Gray Line customer and providing us with feedback. We do appreciate the time and effort you put into writing this type of review. Normally we would respond to each individual comments, both good and bad, however I think most reader will understand our position that this type of forum might not be the best avenue to fully go through such long correspondence. In short, we do want to apologize for missing your sightseeing expectations and we want you to know that we are always looking to make improvements in our tours and customer services so going forward we will take all of your comments very seriously when changes are being contemplated. We also want to wish you all the best in your future travel adventures. Sincerely, Zachary
Oct 2022
Our tour bus driver fhil was top.notch and excellent, the bus seats where not very comfortable for being on the bus so long, I am average height and weight,DVD player did not work so whatever they were going to show we could not see,but what got me was we where staying at south point they said there was no pick up there so we drove to another hotel for pick up ,they picked up.another group and dropped them off at my hotel,lunch was a pizza hut express at the visitors center,which was quite tasty, again our driver Fhil was excellent and a great guy, but my body hurt from the seats being so bad
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Oct 2022
Dear giantsno1, Thank you for leaving Gray Line such a nice 5-star review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your day with us and our driver/guide. Since 1910 the Gray Line family of nearly 200 worldwide sightseeing companies have been seeking out the best guides in every destination we serve, so it's nice to know our guide did such a great job and had great suggestions. Regarding seating, we use late model Volvo coaches which are considered to be among the best available in North American and all of our seats have at least the standard seating for long haul coach and most have more. We are sorry that we missed your expectations. On behalf of everyone at Gray Line around the globe, I want you to know that we all hope to see you on another adventure sometime very soon. Regards, Zachary
Oct 2022
The guide was fine. The poor review is for lack of communication from the tour company about the 40 minute late departure, too many stops on the trip that delayed getting to the canyon and back to Vegas, and not much time spent at the Grand Canyon. Day went from 7:20 (original pick up time) to after 11 getting back to hotel drop off and only spent 2 hours total at two different locations at the canyon. It was not enough time to do any sort of hike or anything past the two spots that were shown. Again, the guide made it what it was and I should have done more research and read more reviews.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Oct 2022
Dear arlz72, Thank you for being a Gray Line customer and we are sorry we missed you sightseeing expectations. A day trip from Las Vegas to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is never meant to be an immersive experience as it is over 570 miles (917 kilometers) round trip from Las Vegas, which is the closest large city to the National Park. Rather, a day excursion is simply meant to give travelers with limited time a taste of what the Grand Canyon has to offer. For those desiring a more immersive experience, a minimum of 2 days is required and 3 days is really what you would want for an intimate experience. Regarding the number and timing of stops. Our company has been taking travelers to the Grand Canyon to over 40 years and during that time, the vast majority of travelers have made it clear to us that they expect the stops we have scheduled as they want to be able to get off the coach to stretch their legs, grab a snack or drink, and most importantly use a restroom that is not traveling at speed down the interstate highway. In closing, I want to thank you for your feedback and wish you all the best in your future travels. Sincerely, Zachary

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