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Кањон Антилопе и Бенд Хорсесхое

Доживите невероватне живописне црвене стене кањона Антелопе које је вода исклесала у невероватне облике и боје.
Цити: лас Вегас
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $199.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $199.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Погодна за све физичке способности нивоа
Шта да очекујете
Хорсесхое Бенд
Пешачка стаза дужине 1 миљу, која је и узбрдо и низбрдо. Након тога ћете се довољно приближити од ивице, ако можете Лол - то је око 1000 стопа доле - до стене у реци Колорадо. Хорсесхое Бенд је највећа атракција у областима језера Пауел и Пејџ-АЗ. 5$ улазница
Кањон Антилопе
90-минутна тура кроз кањон Антилопе са сертификованим Навахо водичем да бисте видели зидове од црвеног пешчара са формацијама вадичепа, обасјане сунчевом светлошћу која се спушта у прорезе, који једноставно одузимају дах. Овај живописни кањон је чувено дугачак и узак са ходником за ходање на дну кањона. Настала је услед бујичних поплава које су се уливале у пукотине пешчара Навахо који је затим еродирао ветар. Дневна светлост која продире кроз уски отвор на врху ствара различите врсте рефлектованог светла и боја. Антилопа је најпосећенији кањон на југозападу, делом зато што је лако доступан и убедљиво најпознатији, а такође и зато што је тако прелеп и задивљујући, са управо правом комбинацијом дубине, ширине, дужине, боје стена и амбијента светлост која ову област чини популарном локацијом за фотографе и туристе из целог света. Улаз је између 40.00 и 60.00
Поглед на брану Глен Цанион
Дивна и прелепа брана на страници. Леп поглед на кањон и језеро Пауел.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (87)
Sep 2019
Marvin was very caring. Always asking if we have enough water, snacks, etc. He had a whole cooler fully iced and stocked. He booked the 11-11:30 AM time slot. This company knows when the sun would be perfect for touring the canyon. Marvin helped us take pictures. The one thing about Marvin that makes him stand out is that he never rushes you. Your pace is his pace. Mind you, our group was on the younger side but I'm sure he will be great with any age group. The canyon that we visited had a tour guide that took us down to the canyon floor. Very well run. They didn't rush us either. This is a once in a lifetime trip and this tour will make us remember it for a lifetime.
Sep 2019
The tour is advertised to go to Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend, but after the tour for Horseshoe Bend, the driver actually took us to Canyon X, which is a slot in the same region but definitely not the signature Antelope Canyon slot which we purchased for. Every locals knows Antelope Canyon is either upper or lower Anrolope Canyon but not Canyon X. The tour itinerary doesn't mention Canyon X at all. That is abusolutly misleasing marketing. They thought the foreigners coulden't tell the difference coz if you have never seen the real diamond, you may believe the glass one they show you is real diamond. Unfortunatuely, one guy in our group had been to all the canyon slots in that area and knows exactly which one is real antelope canyon. The lower or upper Antelope Canyon are the real Antelope Canyon which are famous to the world. Canoyon X is widest and shortest slot in that area. This tour we booked is more expansive than other real Antelope Canyon tour. We thought it should be a good one as what we paid for but it is so disappointing and like a fraud.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Same group of bad people. This costumer is unrespecful. Our company is a serius company. We go to Antelope Canyon. We have more than 1option. Just check our reviews from other tourists. The Canyon X is limited to 400 people a day. Is the most beautiful point of Antelope Canyon. This person left the Canyon and went to other point. They lost the appointment and tried to go back, but was too late. They made a big mistake. After they see the other tourists pictures (in the same tour in Antelope Canyon X) they ask to go to Antelope Canyon but we can't. This costumer is unrespecful and not honest. Is a bad person. Is a lier. We are responsable. And we have a compomise with our costumers. We want everyone have a wonderful day at the Canyon. Check our others reviews. Only this person did it. This person called our company and asked the refund or will make a bad review. We dont acept be blackmailed.
Sep 2019
the tour itinerary said that it will take us to antelope canyon, but we were brought to Canyon X which was different from antelope canyon. we insisted on going to antelope canyon bcoz that what was we paid and was there for. The tour company did not provide us options to be able to purue the tour to the right canyon which clearly shows that fraud was intended. I demand a refund for the wasted time and opportunity
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
This costumer is unrespecful. Our company is a serius company. We go to Antelope Canyon. We have more than 1option. Just check our reviews from other tourists. The Canyon X is limited to 400 people a day. Is the most beautiful point of Antelope Canyon. This person left the Canyon and went to other point. They lost the appointment and tried to go back, but was too late. They made a big mistake. After they see the other tourists pictures (in the tour in Antelope Canyon X) they ask to go to Antelope Canyon but we can't. This costumer is unrespecful and not honest. Is a bad person. Is a lier. We are responsable. And we have a compomise with our costumers. We want everyone have a wonderful day at the Canyon. Check our others reviews. Only this person did it. This person called our company and asked the refund or will make a bad review. We dont acept be blackmailed.
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