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Кањон Антилопе и Бенд Хорсесхое

Доживите невероватне живописне црвене стене кањона Антелопе које је вода исклесала у невероватне облике и боје.
Цити: лас Вегас
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $199.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $199.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Погодна за све физичке способности нивоа
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Хорсесхое Бенд
Пешачка стаза дужине 1 миљу, која је и узбрдо и низбрдо. Након тога ћете се довољно приближити од ивице, ако можете Лол - то је око 1000 стопа доле - до стене у реци Колорадо. Хорсесхое Бенд је највећа атракција у областима језера Пауел и Пејџ-АЗ. 5$ улазница
Кањон Антилопе
90-минутна тура кроз кањон Антилопе са сертификованим Навахо водичем да бисте видели зидове од црвеног пешчара са формацијама вадичепа, обасјане сунчевом светлошћу која се спушта у прорезе, који једноставно одузимају дах. Овај живописни кањон је чувено дугачак и узак са ходником за ходање на дну кањона. Настала је услед бујичних поплава које су се уливале у пукотине пешчара Навахо који је затим еродирао ветар. Дневна светлост која продире кроз уски отвор на врху ствара различите врсте рефлектованог светла и боја. Антилопа је најпосећенији кањон на југозападу, делом зато што је лако доступан и убедљиво најпознатији, а такође и зато што је тако прелеп и задивљујући, са управо правом комбинацијом дубине, ширине, дужине, боје стена и амбијента светлост која ову област чини популарном локацијом за фотографе и туристе из целог света. Улаз је између 40.00 и 60.00
Поглед на брану Глен Цанион
Дивна и прелепа брана на страници. Леп поглед на кањон и језеро Пауел.
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Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (87)
Feb 2020
We did the Antelope Canyon tour with Denny. 2 couple were the only people on the tour. First observations were that the truck was really comfy, air con, not too loud- perfect for travelling long distance. Now the tour itself... Amazing. We did the prime time 11am tour. but in my opinion totally worth it for what you get. Much more sun rays. Wonderful!!! We managed a few comfort stops along the way including a stop at Horseshoe Bend, Arizona, a town on Arizona(really cool little place). Words can't actually describe the Antelope compared to the other canyons it appears much more broad and somehow appears much more beautiful. It's really hard to take it all in but Denny wonderful. Antelope is fantastic too, definitely recommended. Our tour guide Denny really made the day. Loads of knowledge about the canyon, everything inside of the canyon and everything between the canyon and Vegas. Fantastic photographer, he insisted on taking our cameras off us so he could get photos at multiple points, we really appreciate that and we've got the tough task of choosing which ones to have framed. Can't wait to come back and get more! Overall summary- a long day, but totally totally worth it. West Pearl were fantastic job. Definitely looking forward to coming back and doing more trips with them.
Jan 2020
Booked with west pearl through our travel agent for the Antelope Canyon and were not disappointed. We were picked up on time from the Mirage by our driver and guide Denny, in a Black SUV! Denny made everybody feel very welcome on the car as there were 5 people, the vehicle itself seating 7 people but very spacious and comfortable. We proceeded to the Antelope via UTAH which was our first stop where we had an opportunity to get out of the SUV and take photos. We then moved on toward the Canyon, Its further than we first thought from Vegas but Denny was very knowledgable of the areas we were travelling through which made the time pass quicker. On arrival at the Canyon things were very well organised as there were many separate areas of the Canyon to visit which are accessed by guide. It only takes about 15 minutes to reach each point and when we got to the first, Horseshoe bend, it was simply amazing! the final point is Antelope Canyon, its very private, very quiet, and absolutely breathtaking! From here we moved on to a Native American cty for lunch which was a pleasant surprise before heading back towards Vegas, stopping off at a huge DAM on the way. Everything with the tour ran very smoothly, nothing was rushed and the price was reasonable. Our only advice is before the tour, wear good solid walking boots or trainers if you plan to walk to some of the higher points of the Canyon!! Would we recommend West Pearl for this tour? 100% Yes!! And Thank u Denny!!! you are the Best!!!
Jan 2020
I arrived at the pickup location at Sahara Hotel early in the morning. The driver was late and did not pick up any of my phone calls. After waiting an entire hour they called me to tell me the driver could not find me!! Not only that, they expressed their apology and agreed to let me rebook my tour. They stopped responding after that. All the money I paid went down the drain.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
WARNING This person is lying. We had more customers in the same day, in the same hotel. Driver waited 20min in front the entrance. This person didn't answer emails. Didn't answer calls. The hotel employee said only the customers picked was there. Probably the person who wrote this review, didn't wake on time and is lying. We will NEVER do it. We lost 20 min waiting and looking her. We have proof of our emails we sent. TripAdvisor already is taking care about it.
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