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❖ Возите се возом за откривање глечера<бр><бр>❖ Посетите Центар за очување дивљих животиња Аљаске<бр><бр>❖ Плутајте поред ледених брегова на језеру Спенсер Глациер и 7 речних миља низ долину реке Плацер на најсликовитијем путовању реком на Аљасци <бр><бр>Нећете видети више ни једног дана на АК Раилроад-у него на овом путовању. Многи наши гости нам кажу да им је ово најбољи дан на Аљасци.
Цити: Анцхораге
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $385.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $385.00
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Укључен ручак. Обавестите нас унапред ако имате ограничења у исхрани или захтеве.
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<ул><ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за одојчад<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су кућне животиње<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступно у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Превоз возила која се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Вадичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Вакцинација против вируса ЦОВИД-19 је неопходна за водиче<ли>Цхугацх Адвентурес' је била једна од ретких компанија за авантуристичка путовања која је у потпуности и безбедно радила 2020. и 2021. Направили смо опсежан план за ублажавање последица ЦОВИД-19 како бисмо успешно функционисали и за наше путнике и за наше запослене и посвећени смо да наставимо са нашим планом 2023. године.
Шта да очекујете
Центар за заштиту дивљих животиња Аљаске
Узмите кратак шатл до Центра за заштиту дивљих животиња Аљаске за обилазак животиња са водичем и тумачењем. Центар је главна установа за рехабилитацију повређених и напуштених дивљих животиња на Аљасци. АВЦЦ Тоур траје 1,5 сати и укључује шетњу и вожњу како бисте видели животиње. Уз ову туру обезбеђен је и ручак.
Спенцер Глациер
Спенцер Ицеберг Флоат - 2 сата на води на глечеру Спенцер и 7 речних миља низ реку Плацер
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (91)
Jan 2015
We have great memories of our rafting trip. In many ways, the experience is unique: the train ride, floating by glaciers, floating down an Alaska river. Other aspects made it feel manufactured and touristy: the fleet of rafts cruising around the lake, being encouraged to whack the icebergs, a guide that spent the whole time chatting with another employee in our raft (we found it more interesting to overhear guides on other rafts -- our guide was only good for steering). And the non-stop rain goes with the territory but made us happy when it was all over and we were back on the train.
Oct 2014
We made reservations for the Chugach Adventures Alaska Railroad Spenser Glacier Iceberg Float before leaving home. We boarded the train in Girdwood and spent (approximately) three hours riding the train - entirely too long for us. You must have a picture ID to get on the train. The train seats are assigned and if you get a seat on the right side you are on the more scenic side. Rubber boots were given to us during the train ride. I put on two pairs of socks and removed the outer layer immediately after taking the borrowed boots off. We also wore wicking long underwear, Merlino wool socks, nylon pants, long sleeve wicking type material shirt, wicking heavy hooded fleece and waterproof gloves. After finally arriving at Spenser, we boarded a bus for a short ride to the rafts. Once by the water we were given safety instructions, life preservers and long rubber rain coats. Our guide was Gus Beck – a college graduate who just loves his job on the water and it shows in his attitude. Guests are provided water and a variety of snacks while on the raft. Spenser Glacier is spectacular! We got up close to the icebergs on a gentle raft float that went across Spenser Lake and then down Placer River. We saw freshly fallen (called calving) pieces of the glacier. On the way back we hopped on a motor coach in Whittier instead of sitting through the Whittier lay-over and taking the slow train back to Girdwood. We save ourselves a couple of hours this way. A less expensive and time consuming way to do this trip is to take the train from Portage or Whittier. There is a coupon in the Northern Lights coupon book that will save about $100 for two people no matter where you pick up the train from. Spenser Glacier is in Chugach National Forest and is only accessible by train. Chugach Adventures is the only tour company that offers this tour. They conduct the tours in conjunction with the railroad. What you see on the train ride is just about what can be seen in your car. If you take the train in Girdwood there is a 45-minute layover in Whittier – we felt the train ride was a waste of our limited time; however, the rafting trip was spectacular! The four stars is for the rafting trip, we would rate the train ride portion a two or three stars. For the folks who do not have a car, the train is convenient. The train can pick passengers up from Anchorage or other places; however, the price and time it takes goes up.
Sep 2014
We loved the Spencer glacier iceberg float. We were 2 adults, 2 kids (age 5 & 7). Gus was our guide. He was excellent, chatting with us the entire way, telling us about what we were seeing as well as life in alaska. He had extra paddles for the kids to try to row and he was very gentle with them. Both our kids loved it. I've given it 5 stars because we loved it. The guides made sure we had the right sized rain boots and life jackets. It took a while but they were very patient. Below is 1 suggestion for the owners: Not sure what hearty snack entails? At the Portage centre we saw that some of the people who were on the same trip as us were given sandwiches and drinks. We along with others were not. We were offered jerky, chocolates and cheese. It would be best to have the correct # of handouts for all members who are going on the trip. Sp. Note: Chugach adventures provides rain boots (they have a lot of sizes), if it doubt get a size larger. They have rain gear, we didn't take any since we got luck and had a warm blue sky day. Do wear your wamest socks!!! Water gets into the raft and pools around your toes. You can feel the cold through the rain boots. It's colder on the water, so dress warm. If you sit in the front you will get splashed. Melanee the owner was very responsive to my emails and offered other suggestions for the area. We went to Portage visitor centre that morning, had lunch and then arrived at the station. There are port-a-potties at the station, and clean toilets on the train. We used a coupon from Northern lights for the train journey and then AGAA discounts for the float. Both Melanee and Alaska rail were easy to work with

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