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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 24 Sep
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Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $53.99
Шта је укључено
Хоп-он хоп-офф, опен-топ, обилазак аутобусом за разгледање
2 руте - Уптовн (црвена рута) и Довнтовн (плава рута)
Аудио водич на енглеском, шпанском, француском, италијанском, португалском и немачком
1 сат бесплатног изнајмљивања бицикла уз куповину 1 сата од Унлимитед Бикинг
Праћење аутобуса уживо преко апликације Биг Бус
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Коментара (1000)
Larry B
Oct 2019
We actually had 2 single day tickets via the New York Pass. We spent the first day doing the Empire State Building, Freedom tower, the Brooklyn Bridge along with a Circle line cruise as our second day was supposed to be very windy. A very busy day that went very smooth for us. The Bus Guides were very informative about everything in the city and went out of their way to assist the passengers. One in particular, Patrick, was really good. Very kind and was multi lingual allowing him to provide special assistance to those most in need within a foreign city. Just a great guy. The second day was very windy as expected, but we were still successful in doing the 911 Memorial, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, and St Patrick's Cathedral. On this day we ran into another great Bus Guide, Dewayne. Dewayne was very energetic, engaging and funny. What a character. He provided the same quality of information about the city, but also included a lot of other helpful hints. All in a very entertaining way. We loved both of these guys. Now we did run into a very dry kind of a guide during one stretch, but over all it was a great experience. The one thing I will say is that doing the Memorial via the New York Pass was painful. Even though we had the pass, it was an hour + line to get tickets from the Pass and then another hour to get into the Memorial. This has nothing to do with the Big Bus, but I was using both in conjunction with each other. I would definitely recommend the Big Bus and hopefully you encounter both Patrick and Dewayne or others with their commitment to providing the best service possible to the passengers. It is so important and really makes a difference.
Simona R
Oct 2019
I regret having to say that our experience on this bus tour was pretty negative. The audio system was not working properly, with sound coming and going - well, mostly going. The unfortunate guide kept trying to have it back on track, and was so concerned with this that, even in the few moments when the system seemed to comply, he was distracted and his narration became shallow and uninteresting. We did not make much of the trip, and preferred other ways to move around in the rest of the day. Pity.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Good Afternoon Simona, We appreciate your honest and thorough review. It helps us in making the necessary improvements to our services. It is disappointing to hear about the quality of the audio, as we service our buses daily to prevent this issues. Please be assured, it is reported to the designated department immediately. As for the tour guide, we expect all of our trained guides to present a commentary that is both informative and enjoyable, explaining the history of different buildings and sights, all while adding information and facts about Manhattan. They are also expected to treat our guests with courtesy, respect and kindness. We appreciate you providing names and descriptions of the tour guides and drivers that you had on your tours to [email protected] as this information helps us with coaching and retraining. We encourage you to tour with us in the future and experience the changes firsthand. Kind Regards, BBTNY
Oct 2019
We did two of the routes on offer. The Green Route takes in Harlem and we thought it would be a great way to see this part of the city. And it was. In that we saw plenty from the top deck of the bus. But we learned practically nothing. The guide was incoherent most of the time and just kept quoting lines from songs, telling us how much he knew but not actually telling us any interesting facts and laughing at the end of every sentence whether funny or not. It was deeply disappointing as well as frustrating. The second route we tried was the Uptown Blue Route. This was much better. The guide was far clearer and knowledgeable. Our only issue was that we were on the bus during the Columbus Day parade and many streets were closed off. This meant traffic was dreadful and so the tour very, very slow and had to miss out sections. The guide did his best to entertain us but did run out of new information and ended up on his own personal loop. I do not know what the other tour buses are like but I would try a different one epecially as I did not feel there were many options for hopping on and off.

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