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Целодневна кајакашка авантура у Евергладесу

Евергладес кајакаштво и авантура у најбољем издању! Уживајте у еко турнеји у Евергладесу и доживите природу на најбољи могући начин из најбоље оцењене туре Евергладеса. Ова тура је права ствар и можете искусити лепоту и узбуђење Евергладеса без буке ваздушног чамца или велике групе. <бр>Покушавамо да ограничимо наше групе на 8-10, али можемо лако прихватити веће групе уз напредно обавештење.
Цити: Флорида
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $189.74
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Thavisha T
Mar 2019
We did a full day tour of the Everglades with Garl, who went above and beyond to ensure we made maximum use of the day. The tour lasted from 12-10:30pm, and we visited a Gator Hole, kayaked in two locations and did a night walk to spot gators. Garl shoved us at least 20 alligators and 5 crocodiles, in addition to snakes, owls, lemon sharks, frogs and a variety of fish. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone wishing to actively explore the Everglades, as Garl is a very knowledgeable, friendly and flexible
Paul V
Mar 2019
We heard about Garl's from a friend who's son was a guide for Garl. We had high expectations all of which were met by Garl's experience and knowledge about the area and it's wildlife. We started at a "fruit stand" at the edge of the Everglades National Park named "Robert is Here" This is a mini attraction in and of itself so get there early to shop the exotic fruits and visit the little zoo in the back. On our trip into the park, Garl stopped at several seemingly random places along the side of the road. One place had a bunch of baby alligators 1-3 years old. Another had trees full of huge storks. Then we stopped at a cypress dome which turned out to be the start of our "slogging" expedition into the heart of the Everglades. The area was thick with cypress trees, bromeliads, native orchids, ferns and a variety of small flowers. Garl was very patient and described all the plants and animals we experienced along the way. Wear old sneakers as you will probably want to throw them away afterwards. I wore water shoes which became very uncomfortable so about halfway through I just took them off and continued barefoot. After all, that's the way Garl was doing it. The hike took us to two gator holes. Garl had named one denizen Princess and the other Snaggletooth. The gators weren't interested in us at all and we were able to safely approach and take some pictures. After the hike, we took the kayaks to a series of freshwater lakes covered by mangrove tunnels. Garl knew where all the large gators and crocodiles liked to hang-out so he made sure we got our fill. It was a nice paddle with areas of sun and shade. The next stop was all the way to the town of Flamingo on Florida Bay for some saltwater kayaking. We saw another huge croc near the marina and a small one out in the bay. Lots of birds out in the bay including a bald eagle. We only saw one small lemon shark before we turned-around to catch the sunset. We gathered all our kayaks together and Garl popped a couple of bottles of wine while enjoyed the beautiful weather and a perfect sunset. But that's not all! After dark the pythons come out onto the roadway. Garl spotted one and we stopped to take a look. It was only about 3 ft long and slithered off before he could grab it. My wife and I were the oldest members of our group so we let all the 20-somethings do the night-hike along the Anhinga trail. We were beat. Certainly a full day in the Everglades.
Mar 2019
We did the all day adventure in the everglades with Garl where we waded through cypress domes and kayaked through mangroves, then we went on a night hike at Anhinga Trail. It was a really awesome and exhilarating experience. This is my second trip with Garl because the first was so amazing hat I had to go back to bring my husband! This is a real look into the everglades and is so worth it! We saw alligators, including baby alligators, owls, lots of awesome plants, and so much more. Garl is a very knowledgeable guide who clearly loves what he does and loves the everglades. If you can only do one thing in South Florida, this should be it!

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