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Дневни обилазак долине споменика - 3 сата - Обиласци духа Навахо

Долина споменика говори сама за себе. Прелепи монолити црвених стена, домаће биљке и невероватни иконски призори. Можете једног минута бити на киши, а следећег ће изаћи сунце. Свако годишње доба мења пејзаж у јединствено ремек-дело. Наши водичи воле да деле где да добијете најбољу фотографију. Ако кренете на обиласке духова Навахо, видећете да су сви наши водичи јединствени и невероватни, они оживљавају Долину својом љубављу према подучавању и дељењу својих искустава из прве руке у култури Навахо. Сви су одрасли локално, тако да имају богато знање које тако елоквентно и слободно деле. Они воле добру авантуру и на сваког госта који дође гледају као на пријатеља. Навахо Спирит туре не желе да само посетите, већ желе да понесете мало Монумент Валлеиа са собом у свом срцу.<бр><бр>Имајте на уму: Имамо минимално две особе. КОНТАКТИРАЈТЕ НАС ДИРЕКТНО ако путујете сами да бисмо могли да вас упаримо са групом.<бр><бр>Контактирајте нас директно за више опција обиласка.
Цити: Монумент Валлеи
Sun 17 Nov
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Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $85.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Потребне су маске за лице за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 потребна за водиче
Шта да очекујете
Монумент Валлеи Навајо Трибал Парк
Ваш водич ће вас одвести да видите прелепе иконе улице, торњеве и мезе које су долину споменика учиниле познатом на делу вожње петљом од 17 миља. Затим бисмо отишли ​​у ограничена подручја у залеђу Племенског парка да станемо испод природних лукова, амп театра и приближимо се Анасази петроглифима. Наши водичи су тако љубазни и објашњавају традиционална значења сваке локације, историје и културе док одговарају на било које питање које вам падне на памет. Навајо Спирит Тоурс не зазире од неких духовних тема о којима можда не чујете редовног дана. Дајемо све од себе у кратком времену које имамо са сваким нашим гостима да научимо што више можемо док сте ви овде. Радујемо се што ћемо вас упознати!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (153)
May 2022
There are experiences that surprise you, those that surpass expectations, and those that resonate with you long after. On our third visit to Monument Valley my wife and I thought we had a pretty good idea of what this majestic, beguiling beautiful and harsh environment had to offer. We didn’t want to miss a moment of changing light gazing avidly from every conceivable angle. We hiked the limited trails and drove the gorgeous loop drive as we always had. This time we wanted to go deeper. We decided to do a guided tour. Because we were familiar with the loop and wanted to venture into deeper recesses away from crowds we choose a private tour with an independent guide. We chose Navajo Spirit Tours. It was clear from the start that our host, Gary was not the usual scripted tour guide. He grew up here and lives here. After a period of city life and other ventures, including lecturing on Navajo life at the university level, he brought his wife and family back to the valley and opened Navajo Spirit Tours. Gary has a talent for connecting with people on a deeply human level. On his tours you’ll share experiences far beyond the typical sightseeing. He is a native speaker and a soft spoken orator. He is equally well versed in culture, history, mythology, geology, movie history and will happily contour tours to the specific interest of his guests. I won’t share the specifics of our afternoon. Everyone will have their own unique experiences. But I will say the back country tour was electrifying. I knew it as it was happening and feel the same days after. My wife and I own an historic house. Do do group tours. I am always fascinated to see how other guides engage their audiences. Gary did so by first making us comfortable, then gently coaxing out of us what we hoped to gain from our visit. If you prefer a “Disney-like” experience (nothing against the mouse) you’ll be happy to climb into a covered trailer with a clutch of fellow tourists and listen to dictation over a loudspeaker. There are a great many options for you. If you truly want to delve into the place, the Navajo and Anasazi cultures and the spiritual dimensions of Monument Valley I can’t imagine a better way to find that than Navajo Spirit Tours.
May 2022
Our guide, Sean was amazing and adapted very well to the adults and the kids in our small group. He was very knowledgeable and answered honestly to everybody's questions. He has a deep understanding of both worlds and he softly underlined the importance of respecting the Navajo people traditions without making anyone feels guilty. We could have listen to him for hours, we learned so much! We all came back delighted to have seen multiple arches, landscapes, walked in the heavy mud (lot of fun for the kids), saw a few tracks, heard Sean play the traditional flute.... We joined a morning tour in Monument Valley and an afternoon tour in Mystic Valley both times with Sean. We were afraid the afternoon tour could be redundant but it was absolutely not. Thumbs up to Navajo Spirit tours and Sean who made this day a wonderful memory for our family!
May 2022
We just completed a sunrise tour and I would rate them 6 of 5 stars if possible. Our guide, Larry, was very knowledgeable and shared info on the Navajo culture and history. We were very lucky as Larry shared a traditional song about a white buffalo which was beautiful, especially in the setting of an amazing arch. Larry was also very helpful in getting those perfect pics. If you visit Monument Valley Tribal Park, make sure you book a tour with Navajo Spirit Tours. It's important to note that nearly all the tour is in the back country that you can't access without a guide, so even if you drive the valley tour road, you'll only see the sights we did by taking the tour.

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