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Ово је једино место на Аљасци где можете да изгњечите свој тим паса током лета!<бр><бр>Ово није само одгајивачница за обилазак; то је вежбалиште и домаћинство четвороструког шампиона Идитарода, Даласа Сивија. Сви пси су или пензионисани тркачки пси (многи су освојили Идитарод), тренутно су у тркачком тиму, или су следећа генерација у обуци да постану следећи велики шампиони! Наши пси су активни и тренирају током целе године. Као гостујући сакупљач, постајете део целогодишњег програма обуке Даллас Сеавеи Рацинг-а. <бр><бр>Величина групе за ово искуство је обично 6 или мање људи, са водичем који је додељен свакој групи, стварајући веома лично искуство. <бр><бр>Сви наши пси су изузетно љубазни и воле пажњу. Мазите штенце, лутајте са младим псима или шетајте са шампионима.
Цити: Аласка
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $169.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $169.00
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Коментара (198)
Nov 2019
What can I say about this tour! When my husband planned this trip, I was not very excited since I feared dogs having heard of various stories. When we drove to the tour company's main cabin, where we register and take our stuff for the tour, we were welcomed by 4 big alaskan huskers and I was terrified. They were sniffing and keeping their paws on us etc. I froze. I did not look at them even though I felt that they seemed to be very well behaved and did nothing but came around us and also seemed to like our presence, to my surprise. I opted not to drive my own sled, so I went with Elliott ( I hope I got the name right! ) and my son drove his own sled. My sled was controlled by Elliott but actually the drivers were the 4 awesome dogs - Jig, Danner, Nova and Moonshine !! Since it started, until the time it ended, it was such a fascinating experience and an eye opener for me. I came to know how the dogs were bred, taken care of, many stories about the dog mushing races held, etc etc. My son did a great job driving his own team and his sled dog team had some champions leading - Paxson, Fox and Rapid. He was so thrilled by the experience. It did not end here, we were taken around the field where all the dogs' kennels existed, I was only patting them, hugging them, and just enjoyed being there. There were also one day old puppies and 3 month old puppies. When I cuddled one of the puppies, it was such a unique experience. I must thank the entire team of people who run the place and take great efforts to breed such awesome dogs and take excellent care of them. How these dogs have been trained is just unbelievable. Now, I am not scared of dogs anymore, i only adore them. Thanks a lot AK Sled Dog tours, for this experience. I recommend 100% every tourist MUST visit this place.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
WOW! Thank you, Sounds like Elliot took good care of you and your son. I'm glad the pups welcomed you they are pretty special to all us. Happy Holidays from the AK Sled Dog Tours kennel.
Michelle Z
Oct 2019
I’ve never been so thrilled with an experience! Dog sledding with professional dogs that have actually won Iditarods and getting to see how they are trained and play with their puppies… It just doesn’t get any better! The guides were so hands on and knowledgeable about the entire process. We felt safe driving our own rods and will never EVER forget this amazing experience!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Michelle, Thank you. Glad you enjoyed your time with us and don't forget to follow our Iditarod team this March. We are pretty lucky to have wonderful guests like yourself that appreciate what we do... Take care.
Oct 2019
This was one of the highest of highlights of our time in Alaska. The Alaskan Husky dogs were fascinating and super friendly and cute, too. We never dreamed we would be able to mush a sled dog team on a 4 mile trail like we did. This was super fun and challenging at the same time. We had great tour guides and the instructions were superb. We learned so much! I highly recommend this activity!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Thanks so much for joining us! Glad we could help with making your Alaskan vacation a success... P.S ----We think the dogs are CUTE too!

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