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Ноћни аутобуски обилазак Њујорка, од Тајмс сквера до Бруклинског моста

Погледајте знаменитости центра Менхетна у блиставом приказу светала у аутобусу на спрат ноћу. Ова петља од 1 сат и 45 минута покрива Тајмс Сквер, Емпајер стејт билдинг, Бруклински мост и још много тога, при чему је сваки оријентир осветљен после мрака у граду који никада не спава.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Wed 20 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $57.00
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $57.00
Шта је укључено
Ноћни обилазак без прекида са аудио нарацијом
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Улазница важи за један дан од тренутка откупа<ли>Обилазак се води само на енглеском.<ли>Распоред је подложан променама због сезонских услова.
Шта да очекујете
Бруклински мост
Видите Бруклински мост ноћу изнад гомиле.
Емпајер стејт билдинг
Наши вечерњи обиласци Њујорка на два спрата воде вас од Тајмс сквера до 5. авеније до Емпајер стејт билдинга, Гринич Вилиџа, Кинеске четврти и Мале Италије пре него што пређу у Бруклин.
Рокфелер центар
Наши вечерњи обиласци Њујорка на два спрата воде вас од Тајмс сквера до 5. авеније до Емпајер стејт билдинга, Гринич Вилиџа, Кинеске четврти и Мале Италије пре него што пређу у Бруклин.
Седиште Уједињених нација
Наши вечерњи обиласци Њујорка на два спрата воде вас од Тајмс сквера до 5. авеније до Емпајер стејт билдинга, Гринич Вилиџа, Кинеске четврти и Мале Италије пре него што пређу у Бруклин.
Тимес Скуаре
Наши вечерњи обиласци Њујорка на два спрата воде вас од Тајмс сквера до 5. авеније до Емпајер стејт билдинга, Гринич Вилиџа, Кинеске четврти и Мале Италије пре него што пређу у Бруклин.
Наши вечерњи обиласци Њујорка на два спрата воде вас од Тајмс сквера до 5. авеније до Емпајер стејт билдинга, Гринич Вилиџа, Кинеске четврти и Мале Италије пре него што пређу у Бруклин.
Мала Италија
Наши вечерњи обиласци Њујорка на два спрата воде вас од Тајмс сквера до 5. авеније до Емпајер стејт билдинга, Гринич Вилиџа, Кинеске четврти и Мале Италије пре него што пређу у Бруклин.
Show 4 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (69)
Kimberly H
Jun 2019
Thought getting a bus tour to get a good overview of the city would be helpful. After being haggled in the street, the night tour didn't tell us any of the places, or if it did, we were already past it (it was a recording not a tour guide). We also got the hop on hop off for the next day, and the bike rental. We took the subway instead of the bus, b/c it was hard to find the busses and we didn't want to wait. The bike rental was only for the 2nd and 3rd hour of rental, you had to pay for the first hour (not what we were told) Basically, we paid $183 for bike rental and a crappy night time tour, that didn't bring you to any major landmarks. I would never do this again, not even to save my feet from a walk. The subway is easy enough to use or take a cab or other form of transport.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Dear guest, Your business is very important to us and we value your input. We strive to ensure all of our customers have a positive and memorable experience. Please contact us at [email protected] so we can rectify your experience
Jun 2019
My sister and I, who were out-of-town visitors to NYC, were approached mid-evening in the vicinity of Times Square by a smooth-talking sales rep from Top View Sightseeing. He "pitched" the nighttime bus tour to us at great length (and with great intensity), promising that it would include a crossover of the Brooklyn Bridge, a stop at the illuminated Empire State Building, where passengers could disembark if they so chose, and "great photo ops." We each purchased a ticket in the amount of $30 plus a $2 processing fee, for a total of $62. The actual tour delivered none of what the sales rep had promised. It never went over the Brooklyn Bridge nor did it stop at the Empire State Building. The driver instead took a route that offered only remote, partial-view glimpses of a few iconic structures. The bus never stopped anywhere, nor was it ever still enough to take even halfway-decent photos except when it happened to be mired in traffic; not surprisingly, these random stoppages didn't coincide with scenic locations. In addition, there was absolutely no narration by the driver or any guideperson during the tour. Toward the end of the allotted time, my sister inquired of the driver as to the lack of narration and the failure to make any of the promised stops, to which he replied that the nighttime tours didn't offer either feature. He advised that "ear buds" located next to the seats could be used to obtain commentary. The presence of these ear buds had never been mentioned to passengers by the guide, and in fact we saw only one person, on the entire filled bus, who was using them, attesting to the fact that, without somehow knowing they were there, one wouldn't have been able to avail oneself of them.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Dear guest, Your business is very important to us and we value your input. We strive to ensure all of our customers have a positive and memorable experience. Please contact us at [email protected] so we can rectify your experience.
May 2019
If you book the Topview NYC night tour you will first have a great difficulty finding the bus departure spot.There is no office and only a small sign "topview bus tour"on top of a 10 foot pole along 46th & 8th ave. If you book the 7PM tour show up at least 30 minutes before to line up with 50 of your closest new friends. Topview fills the buses to capacity including the lower inside level before the next bus leaves. The driver will rush around at the maximum speeds so taking photos at night will be almost impossible even from the best rear top side seats. And on our tour Topview did not hand out ear pieces so we did not have any commentary.A total waste of our time and money.And as you walk on Broadway trying to find the bus stop several red clothed Topview sales people will not assist you. They are there to only sell tickets. One even told us that if we buy a new ticket (that was after I told him I had online tickets) he would walk us to the location of the bus stop.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Dear guest, Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. Your business is very important to us and we value your input. We strive to ensure all of our customers have a positive and memorable experience. Please contact us at [email protected] so we can rectify your experience.

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