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Седона НЛО Тоур

• НАЈБОЉИ ВОДИЧ због искуства са пројектилима/сателитима И директног контактера<бр>• НАЈБОЉА НОЋНА ВИЗИЈА јер сви добијају 3. ген за коришћење<бр>• НАЈБОЉА ЦЕНА јер математика НИЈЕ расистичка и ви препознајете договор<бр><бр> турнеја нуди политику „одговора на свако питање“. На овој турнеји се често говори о егзополитици, технологијама свемирских летелица, типовима и локацијама ванземаљаца, историји древне Земље и соларног система, команди лунарних операција, колонији на Марсу и још много тога. ВИ водите дискусију, а Мајкл ће одговарати на питања.<бр><бр>УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: АКО имате ТДС или друго ментално стање изазвано МСМ-ом, МОЛИМ ВАС, НЕ РЕЗЕРВИРАЈТЕ ОВАЈ ОБИЛАЗАК. Ако, с друге стране, желите да се информације цензуришу негде другде, само поставите питање. Одговор који сте добили преко ЕТ контакта би вас могао одушевити!
Цити: Седона
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $110.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $110.00
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Коришћење телескопа када су планете видљиве.
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Ваше СОПСТВЕНЕ Омни 6+ наочаре треће генерације за обилазак! Нема потребе да делите!
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дојенчад и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ако мислите маске за лице могу зауставити вирус, вероватно не би требало да резервишете ову турнеју. Моји вршњаци су обично АП ученици у средњој школи. Понекад залазимо у зечје рупе, али смо увек свесни најбољег интереса младих.
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Поглед на аеродром Седона
Туристички водич Седоне НЛО ће указати на астрономске објекте од интереса, а затим ће издати Ген 3 ноћни вид (и јак ласер гостима, када буду квалификовани.)
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (42)
Apr 2022
This was fun and informative evening! We got to see so much activity in the night sky that I've never seen before. Amazing
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Only 0.05% of the human race has looked through this level of UFO-adapted technology. Yes, it IS amazing!
Mar 2022
Sedona UFO watching has been on my bucket list for some time so I was really excited to take this tour. Regrettably, my delight quickly turned to frustration and then to exasperation all due to the tour guide Michael. I won’t get into all of the insulting, obnoxious claptrap that he was spewing, as there is too much to list, however, the last straw was when he started extolling all of the great accomplishments of Donald Trump. Not only is his IQ 179, but that he would be reinstated as President next January 23rd. I am an open minded person and appreciate every point of view, however, this was neither the time or place to discuss conspiracy theories, political leanings, and stating them as “truth”. His pompous diatribe was so bad that after 45 minutes another guest, myself and my husband had heard enough,and we left early. It’s too bad, because the night vision binoculars showed us many more stars and traffic in the sky that the naked eye can not see, and I did enjoy that part. Unfortunately, Micheal not only insulted my intelligence, infuriated me, but also wasted my money and probably the only chance I had to mark this one off of my bucket list.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
This person who was "insulted" asked where the spacecraft come from. I mentioned that "Space Force" which was made public by President Trump, had actually been around for 40 years as the SSP or Dark Fleet. This person, in complete contrast to the rest of the group, mumbled "Why?" I answered that it is important for this information to get into the public thought process, so that we could go to newer energy creation. This person, very loudly, then said "No, why Trump"? I said that no one else in the office had the courage or cooperation to bring it forward, and the time is now. This person then, very loudly, and with complete disrespect for a former U.S. President, regardless of party, said "Trump is an idiot." I then said, "No, an idiot would be someone who believes everything they're told from a talking head on a TV set without checking into the facts themselves. That person is living in the Matrix." You see, I have taken a Trump family member on a Personal UFO tour. I have had TS+ clearance. I pass FBI checks with flying colors. I didn't bring up politics. This person did, and as I always say, I answer ALL questions with the information I have. If a person isn't comfortable with what I know as 90%+ probable, that is something to get over. If you don't want my answer, don't ask the question. Also, as a Constitutionalist, please don't insult an elected President on my tour without getting a balance in the conversation.
Mar 2022
Michael's UFO tour was SO much fun! We had no idea how busy the skies are! Michael is such an interesting story teller and entertainer. It was worth every cent to hear what he had to say. Yes, of course you could look up to the beautiful AZ sky and watch satellites whizzing by all by yourself, but this experience with Michael and his fancy glasses on a hilltop had us grinning ear to ear—we are still talking about it several days later. Do yourself a favor and go for this ride!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Thanks for the review! Open-minded people find this a FASCINATING experience. Those with a closed mind? Not so much.

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