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Роните на ДВА корална гребена на чамцу САМО ЗА РОНИЛО 2022! Сва опрема укључена!

Посећујемо нека од најнетишнијих и најпознатијих места за роњење у Ки Ларго Марине Санцтуари на нашем ПОТПУНО НОВОМ 2022 45' чамцу за роњење, и гарантујемо да ће наш капетан и посада учинити ваш излет на Ки Ларго безбедним и забавним за целу породицу. Наше особље су високо обучени професионалци за роњење који воле океан и радо ће вам помоћи око подешавања опреме, информација о локацији за роњење и препорукама за локално подручје. Наш објекат за роњење и роњење је само око сат времена удаљен од Мајамија, што га чини најближом ронилачком радњом копну. Наше просечно време да стигнемо до већине најбољих локација на гребенима Ки Ларга, укључујући чувеног Христа из бездана, је само 30 минута од наше продавнице. Наша ронилачка радња, продавница поклона, купатила, тушеви, тики и чамци за роњење се налазе на нашем имању окренутом према океану, тако да губите 0 времена након што стигнете у наш центар за роњење и роњење пре него што кренете у своју авантуру роњења на гребену!
Цити: Кеи Ларго
Sat 28 Dec
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Са почетком у $70.00
Sat 28 Dec
Са почетком у $70.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Није доступно за учеснике који не знају да пливају<ли>Не препоручује се за нове/почетне пливаче.<ли>Малолетници (млађи од 18 година) МОРАЈУ да буду уз родитеља/старатеља<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (78)
Debra H
Jul 2022
Water was extremely rough and boat should not have been out. Captain stated at first stop “it is borderline too rough to be snorkeling”. He then took us to the second stop that was rougher than the first, throwing a rope off the back for people to hold on yo. At the second stop he said to his co-worker someone from office had called and “asked how many people are sick”. Making it very apparent it was too rough. Since I was myself sick I didn’t realize others were, but exiting the boat, it was noted at least half of the boat was ill. Another passenger stated he was initially booked with another company but it was canceled due to rough water. That company recommended he try this one. Apparently it’s known to other companies that this one goes out when water is too rough. The crazy part was, after watching us all get sick, they took out another group right after ours. It was a terrible experience and I would not trust this company to make the best decision in regards to your safety.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thank you so much for taking the time to review our dive shop, although we wish it were more positive we are happy to have this opportunity to further explain our side of the story and give some background on our shop in general. We in fact are very conservative shop and do not run dives when other boats cancel for weather. Generally, we cancel first, but since we can go back and hide in a protected reef areas and our boat that day was offering a strictly snorkel tour some other dive shops transferred their snorkelers to us and ran their boats to deep water with only divers. All of the customers on board were advised that it was going to be a bit bumpy that day and we would be happy to offer refunds if available and encouraged the customers to come see the shop after if they did not have a good time because we would love the chance to make it right. We would much rather have people enjoy their trips than trap them into going out on rougher days. The reason that we call and ask how the people are doing on board is depending on the person; some people will be seasick which is expected but if there is an overwhelming amount of people that feel uncomfortable that day we will cancel the tours. Safety and comfort are our priority, and if you had told us that day you were not feeling either we would have worked with you to make it right. If you would like to give us a call, we can chat about this further. Kind Regards, Shelby
Jul 2022
We had an amazing time. Thank you for being fantastic hosts. Great experience. The captain was knowledgeable and friendly. We enjoyed his discussions of his experience in the Keys.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thank you so much for your review! So glad you had a good time!
Jul 2022
Captain Bob and first mate Gabe were fabulous! Yazmin was extremely helpful getting us set up, too. The boat was new and beautiful and even though the water was choppy, nobody got sea sick. We had a great time snorkeling at Grecian Rocks and Key Largo Dry Rocks. The captain told us where to see the good stuff underwater and they provided a selection of drinks for when we got out. I will definitely book with them again. Very accommodating.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thanks for your review! We love our crew and are so glad you enjoyed them too! So happy to hear you had a good time despite the rough conditions!

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