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Великий автобус Нью-Йорк Hop-On Hop-Off Open Top Tour

Сядьте та вирушайте по Нью-Йорку з екскурсією на великому автобусі з відкритим верхом і відвідайте визначні пам’ятки Нью-Йорка у власному темпі. З легкістю подорожуйте на двоповерховому автобусі повз всесвітньо відомі пам’ятки, зокрема Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг, Таймс-сквер, Рокфеллер-центр і Центральний парк. З квитком Classic проїдьтеся автобусом навколо Мангеттена, дізнаваючись про історію міста від свого захоплюючого гіда.
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Tue 01 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $53.99
Tue 01 Oct
Починаючи з $53.99
Що включено
Хоп-хоп-офф, відкритий верх, оглядова автобусна екскурсія
2 маршрути - Uptown (червоний маршрут) і Downtown (синій маршрут)
Аудіогід англійською, іспанською, французькою, італійською, португальською та німецькою мовами
1 година безкоштовного прокату велосипеда при покупці 1 години в Unlimited Biking
Відстеження автобуса в реальному часі через додаток Big Bus
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для інвалідних візків
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці
  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводир
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослого
  • Доступ для транспорту доступний для інвалідних візків
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Цілодобово - Класичні квитки будуть дійсні для використання в той же день. Квитки з кількома днями повинні бути використані поспіль.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Apr 2022
Bought tickets outside of the M&M store for the downtown tour. Was told the buses come every 10 min but wasn’t told the line to initially get on the bus had over a 2 hour wait. We didn’t even “hop off” the bus because we didn’t want to have to wait to get back on later.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2022
Hello, I am very sorry about your experience on our tour. We had experienced longer wait times than usual during the holiday week and apologize that our service was delayed. We tried to inform our guests of all service delays but apologize if our team did not inform you before you purchased your tickets. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have a moment with a picture of your tickets if possible so we can investigate further.
Sherri J
Apr 2022
Easy check in with Kdssivi Adjeyi at the M & M store. Ride the whole trip with a couple of hop off spots.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2022
Hello, Thank you for your feedback on our team member, Kossivi! We will let him know of your experience and hope you had fun on the tour!
Apr 2022
My husband and I have taken the Big Bus on a previous visit to NYC but this time we were travelling with our son and daughter in law who had never been so we decided it would be a good idea to do it again. Wanda gave us a good deal on tickets - certainly cheaper than those advertised - and we boarded straight away. Our plan was to stay on the bus until Wall Street which we did and then once we had seen what we wanted to see it was a short walk to Battery Park. We didn't have the foresight to buy tickets for the Liberty/Ellis Island ferry with our bus tickets so once making the purchase we joined a very long queue. It took us about 40 minutes from joining the queue to get to the Ferry. On our return there were a lot of people waiting in the Big Bus queue. The first two buses came along quite quickly but were limited on seats upstairs so we didn't get on. They were offering sests downstairs but we declined. When the third bus finally came along, we were offered 2 seats upstairs and 2 seats downstairs which we took. We already knew that the route back from Battery Park was not as interesting so we were happy to sit downstairs. This is a good way to see some of the interesting areas/sights of New York in one day. One down side - Big Bus have done away with live tour guides and now rely on a recorded commentary which to be perfectly honest is dreadful. Bring back your live tour guides - it was much more interesting with them!!
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2022
Hello, Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed review with us! We are so sorry if the wait times were longer than usual during the busy holiday week. We tried to plan ahead by adding extra buses to our route during this time, but still experienced wait times. We apologize and are working extremely hard to avoid this in the future so that we can get everyone on board in a timely manner. We hope you still were able to enjoy the sights and had a nice visit in New York!

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New York City