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Луау Каламаку са вечером и шоу на бази шведског стола

Дочекујући госте на Кауаију од 2007. године, Луау Каламаку је једина луау емисија на Хавајима која се изводи „у кругу“, пружајући оптималан поглед на сцену. Будите сведоци ископавања свиње из традиционалне иму (подземне пећи) и уживајте у лекцији хула. Сајам заната са јединственим предметима локалних занатлија чека на пространом травњаку. Уживајте у укусном шведском столу са локалним и познатим јелима и уживајте у Маи Таи-у из отвореног бара. 45-минутна главна емисија прича невероватну причу о древној хавајској легенди о Каламакуу „дете нове земље." Кроз смех, страх, завођење и ватру, ствара се ново наслеђе, рођено из негованог семена њихових предака. позоришна представа луау кулминира фантастичним ватреним сном који укључује ватрене пои лопте и традиционални плес са ватреним ножевима.
Цити: Кауаи
Mon 30 Sep
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Са почетком у $191.10
Mon 30 Sep
Са почетком у $191.10
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Отворена трака (док не почне главна емисија)
Вечера на бази шведског стола
Луау Схов
Кафа и/или чај
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ради по киши или по сунцу; одржава се у покривеном павиљону<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (432)
Janet O
Aug 2019
Our second trip is just ahead of us and we plan to return. It is lots of fun and this round we won’t be on a cruise so we have more time to spend there! The show is the best part. Food is good but go for the show and you won’t be disappointed.
Aug 2019
We have been to Smiths twice and were told this Luau was directed by someone related to cique du solilel. We got "premium" seating for our entire family, which would give us seats so close "we could feel the heat." We were greeted and really enjoyed the amazing bartender, the grounds and the vendors. We went over for the pig to be removed from the ground and it was done within 30 seconds. It was not traditional with palm frawns, hot rocks, buried. It was sitting in coals, and didn't even resemble a pig when removed from the ground. This was a bit disappointed as a few family members had never seen this done before. The food was fine, not bad, not fabulous. Everyone was satisfied. Right before the show started a couple sat in front of us and so I asked to speak to the manager and asked what "premium" seating meant. He said, oh they are VIP and get better seating than you. The website states both a premium upgrade and VIP seating get premium seating. Some "premium" seating families had not obstruction and others did. The manager actually laughed at me when I said I didn't expect it to be rectified for me because he had already sat people right in front of my toddler granddaughter but I would hope it would be fixed for others. Those seated in front of us did obstruct our view, but not entirely. The performers were good, not cirque du soliel quality... We never "felt the heat" from our seats. My advice, if you want to go on this luau and enjoy the grounds, did it, but DO NOT upgrade to PREMIUM, it's basically useless.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Aloha and mahalo for your valued feedback. We are sorry to hear some of your expectations were not met but we appreciate your kind compliments on the luau experience.
Aug 2019
We booked the plantation owners experience and it was worth the extra money. We dined at the Gaylords restaurant from a 2 choice four course meal. The food was excellent. We were served a complimentary glass of champagne - but wine with dinner is extra. After dinner someone from the show escorted us to our private 4 person table right in front of the stage. Once seated a hostess came over to let us know where the open bar was for drinks and the bathrooms if we needed them. Our seats were amazing and being able to sit with just our family was very relaxing. Even my husband said this was the way to attend a luau.

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