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Манта Маниа - Ноћно роњење са маском Манта Раи - Искуство у малим групама у Кони, Хаваји

Превозимо највише 6 путника тако да можемо да понудимо интимније искуство роњења с маском и дисалицом од манта раја од већих „сточних чамаца“ у Кони.<бр><бр>Поред пружања приватнијег искуства, величина наше мале групе омогућава боља емисија манта. Ваш водич за пливање ће одвући вашу забаву до најактивнијих делова места за роњење, док се држите за светлосну даску и уживате у представи. Веће групе на већим чамцима често морају да остану поред чамца и не могу да јуре акцију манта као ми. Ако лоцирате најактивније делове места за роњење, имаћете веће шансе да видите више манта зрака.<бр><бр>Ако резервишете свих 6 места на било ком путовању, имаћете свој приватни чартер.<бр <бр>Не пропустите прилику да роните с маском на дах са манта зрацима у приватном искуству у малим групама. Спремите се да правите успомене које ће трајати цео живот!
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Tue 25 Feb
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Са почетком у $139.00
Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $139.00
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Коментара (193)
Aug 2015
Two of the greatest experiences of our lives were, the Dolphin swim during the day and the Manta Ray snorkel at night, both booked with Coral Reef Snorkel Adventure. Kit and Shelly with whom we did the Dolphin swim were incredibly knowledgable and knew where to stop the boat so that we could swim with dolphins as they moved up the coastline. We made several stops with Shelly in the water who guided our swim towards the Dolphins. Afterwards we were provided with a nourishing lunch on the boat. The Manta Ray swim in the night was incredible. These gentle creatures can have up to a 14 feet wingspan, yet swim so gracefully. Divers directly underneath us shone lights upwards, so that the Manta Rays could spot the plankton and swam by, almost touching us snorkelling in the water. It was completely safe and we had the most wonderful lifetime experience. I would recommend that you book in small parties to get a more personal service which will enhance your experience.
Mel G
Jul 2015
We thoroughly enjoyed two trips with Coral Reef Snorkel Adventures! The dolphin snorkel experience with Zac and Erin was incredible - we snorkelled with lots of dolphins, a trip we will never forget. Our evening trip with Zac and Sampson was equally as memorable. Not only did we see a perfect sunset but manta rays as well! An amazing "surreal" experience snorkelling at night time. Thank you!
Apr 2015
My boyfriend and I recently visited Kona and have planned on swimming with dolphins and also doing a night dive swim with manta rays. After reading all the great reviews for Coral Reef Snorkel Adventures, I just knew I had to book with them. We went for the dolphin swim during the day on a Sunday and did the manta ray swim at night (of that same Sunday). We were led by Captain Ron and Keira (not Stephany with a 'Y' - as mentioned by Keira). We had a friggin' awesome day, first with the dolphins, where both Captain Ron and Keira did an excellent job of finding out where the dolphin hotspots were. We managed to get up close to a massive group of dolphins, particularly 'bottle-nose' and the local 'Spinner' dolphins, which was so insane as they kept jumping out of the water to do somersaults! This lasted about 3-4 hours all up, as guests would constantly have to hop on and off the boat. Trust me, it sounds very physical, but it is SOOO worth it. We even saw some manta rays, a sea turtle and humpback whales while doing this swim. (Unfortunately, it was during this swim that the Lifeproof case of my iPhone crapped out on me and instantly killed it due to the salt water. Tip - test out your water proof case multiple times before using it, and make sure you are insured. Nevertheless, my boyfriend's GoPro was a lifesaver!) Come night time, we suited up for the manta ray swim with Captain Ron and Keira once again. They were excellent as usual and on the way to see the rays, we made a quick pitstop to check out some whales, we saw a baby and a mama whale! Amazing! When we got to the manta ray station, a group of tourists were already there with their boards and bright lights, in order to sea below the water. These are the most gentle and majestic creatures I have ever seen underwater at night time. They came up close to my face and I was in awe. Such a great experience, and this whole day was one that I will never forget, yes, this even includes Keira's 'fish jokes'. Don't worry, their not all that lame... This is an experience not to miss out on in Kona!

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