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Ово је једино место на Аљасци где можете да изгњечите свој тим паса током лета!<бр><бр>Ово није само одгајивачница за обилазак; то је вежбалиште и домаћинство четвороструког шампиона Идитарода, Даласа Сивија. Сви пси су или пензионисани тркачки пси (многи су освојили Идитарод), тренутно су у тркачком тиму, или су следећа генерација у обуци да постану следећи велики шампиони! Наши пси су активни и тренирају током целе године. Као гостујући сакупљач, постајете део целогодишњег програма обуке Даллас Сеавеи Рацинг-а. <бр><бр>Величина групе за ово искуство је обично 6 или мање људи, са водичем који је додељен свакој групи, стварајући веома лично искуство. <бр><бр>Сви наши пси су изузетно љубазни и воле пажњу. Мазите штенце, лутајте са младим псима или шетајте са шампионима.
Цити: Аласка
Sun 17 Nov
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Са почетком у $169.00
Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $169.00
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Обилазак домаћинства и одгајивачнице
Саставите свој тим паса за санке на нашој прилагођеној платформи за трке на сувом
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Коментара (198)
Jun 2021
Great experience! Mushing the dogs was very fun, playing with and learning about them was enriching. Chad was an excellent guide, very knowledgeable, yet humble. He was able to tell us all about the Iditarod race. Playing with puppies is always fun. We were even able to see newborn puppies.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2021
I'm glad you could meet our future champions! Chad is a keeper, we are happy to have him on the team. Thank you.
Jun 2021
This is a unique kennel experience. If you’re in Talkeetna, and relatively mobile and unfastidious, this is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It took bike a designer, a structural engineer, a master welder, and vision to think this up and make a dog-powered cart ride a reality. And it is a winner! Well done, Dallas. The experience is relaxed and well-planned: You meet downtown Talkeetna, take a 20-minute ride in a van, sign some waivers and use the restrooms in the main building. It is the dog handlers' kitchen and Dallas Seavey’s trophy room. You’ll receive some upbeat welcoming and instruction from gung-ho mushers who will be your hosts for a couple of hours. Each cart will have a stand-up "musher" spot with bike-like handlebars and brakes. One "rider" sits in front of the "musher" on the cart behind a half-dozen Iditarod-ready trail dogs. One staff member will control the speed of the dog teams by leading the convoy on an ATV. The trails are well-constructed. After 20 minutes on the trail, the convoy stops and switches riders and mushers. You're on the trail for about 40 minutes and return to the main yard. (Be sure to give each member of your dog team a grateful hug for their hard work!) Either before or after your trail experience, you'll walk around the dog yard and pet some friendly race dogs, and maybe some puppies. You'll see some of the gear Dallas uses during races. If you are balanced and strong enough to pedal a bike for 20 minutes, you should be able to "mush" a cart. If not, fret not. Ride in their large, comfy, covered side-by-side ATV (think pumped-up golf cart) that a crew member will drive behind the convoy of carts. These riders will enjoy the same trails and get to observe the dogs, mushers, and carts, and enjoy some additional conversation with the dog handler driving the ATV. The property is new to Dallas and the tour package is in its first few years in a new town. Even though the tour is young, they’ve thoughtfully crafted the experience to give guests a sample of the excitement of dog mushing. As this review’s headline stated, this tour is for MOST people. You must love animals, or at least be open-minded or curious. You need to feel comfy walking over uneven, ground that WILL be dusty or muddy. You WILL get dog hair on your clothing. It’s everywhere and that’s just fine as long as you are prepared and aren’t overly fastidious. Notes on gear and clothing: As noted, you WILL get either muddy, wet, or dusty. Don’t wear anything other than shoes and clothing you can get dirty. The tour will operate rain or shine. Come prepared accordingly. (In the future, this tour would do well to consider offering guests rain pants, ponchos, and rain boots. They made gloves available on my visit.) As a musher, you will need to give your full attention to driving so do not even attempt to take a selfie while you drive. Instead, wear your GoPro. Or, take your selfies and videos during your turn in the seat. Bring cash to tip the dog handlers or to buy a t-shirt. This was a fun experience and in spite of doing all of this in the rain, the mushers were endearingly great hosts dedicated to sharing their adoration of dogs and mushing.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2021
WOW! Thank you for such a great narration of our tour! I'm happy you were able to join us, you painted a really great picture of what our guests will see. We do love our dogs, they are incredible athletes! I'm glad the mushers took good care of you.. Dacia
Jun 2021
Oh wow!!! This was the highlight of my AK trip!!!! It wasn't a far ride, or fast, or a scary ride, but just enough to get a taste of mushing with the dogs. The Heli ride to a from was also spectacular, pilot Warren was top notch and took us to the Knik Glacier, also beyond anything like I've ever seen!!!! Denali was a let down. I'm so glad we did the dog and glacier tour!!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2021
The glacier tour is incredible, I'm so excited you had a wonderful time! Thanks for joining us. Dacia

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