Went to Philly for a quick in and out wedding over Memorial Day weekend. First visit so I decided to do the Big Bus, (because I enjoy a great hop on hop off experience), before heading back home. Well I was with my Mom who is cold-natured and did not want to ride up top because it was a tad chilly. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the point was for a rider to be able to look out of the window when the tour guide says, "and to your left, you will find" or "ahead on the right you will see..." well, the Driver obviously thought the Big Bus was a city bus! He kept letting on rider after rider even when he KNEW there were no seats upstairs or downstairs. There were people standing in the aisle with their behinds in the faces of those who were seated, (like my Mother and I), which was NOT A GOOD LOOK. Our Tour Guide was FABULOUS. I really enjoyed the tour up until stop 22 (out of 27) when it got way too crowded and noisy to see or hear. Additionally the Big Bus is pet friendly and a man got on with not one but TWO dogs seated in the middle aisle. You can just about guess how awkward that was. I am a dog lover but man it was all a bit much for me between the dogs, the butts and the noise. Lastly I probably wouldn't be so pissed but it was $30 a piece!!! It's not like I was riding around for a dollar.