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Ово је једино место на Аљасци где можете да изгњечите свој тим паса током лета!<бр><бр>Ово није само одгајивачница за обилазак; то је вежбалиште и домаћинство четвороструког шампиона Идитарода, Даласа Сивија. Сви пси су или пензионисани тркачки пси (многи су освојили Идитарод), тренутно су у тркачком тиму, или су следећа генерација у обуци да постану следећи велики шампиони! Наши пси су активни и тренирају током целе године. Као гостујући сакупљач, постајете део целогодишњег програма обуке Даллас Сеавеи Рацинг-а. <бр><бр>Величина групе за ово искуство је обично 6 или мање људи, са водичем који је додељен свакој групи, стварајући веома лично искуство. <бр><бр>Сви наши пси су изузетно љубазни и воле пажњу. Мазите штенце, лутајте са младим псима или шетајте са шампионима.
Цити: Аласка
Sat 08 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $169.00
Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $169.00
Шта је укључено
Обилазак домаћинства и одгајивачнице
Саставите свој тим паса за санке на нашој прилагођеној платформи за трке на сувом
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<ул><ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (198)
Jul 2019
If you have never heard of the Iditarod or are an avid fan, this is the coolest way to learn about the sport first hand. Or if you just love learning about an amazing sport with the coolest teammates, puppies!!! The people you work with are actual Iditarod competitors so you learn SO much. Kids 10 and 12 had a blast too!! HIGHLY recommend!!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Happy to hear your kids enjoyed themselves! Please have them follow our Iditarod team this March. Thank you for joining us and taking the time to give us a review.
Jul 2019
Just lovely. The crew picked us up from the main street of Talkeetna and we then headed to a private ranch about 10 minutes out of town. Dogs were shouting in joy on our arrival, felt like they were saying pick me pick me for the ride... We had a good introduction given by the crew about how to handle the mushing cart. My wife is not very physically active during her regular day life and she was able to handle the ride as a driver all right. actually if you know how to ride a bike, you should be able to manage the cart. we mushed on a private trail that guided us through a beautiful forest. kids were laughing all the time for the entire route. we had plenty of time to pet the dogs, before, during and after the mushing ride. two of our boys played with the dogs for a long long time. We participated in 7 tours on the vacation and this mushing tour is by far the BEST! go to Talkeetna and do the ride.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Wow, Thank you. I think you got the pick me pick me part spot on! We are grateful for you taking the time to visit us at the kennel and take the time to write a review.
Jul 2019
We took a family trip to Alaska via cruise ship--we saw whales and bears, even took a helicopter out to the Meade Glacier, but this adventure really took the cake!! We rented a car and headed up the mountain. We were a group of 4 [grandma 68, mama 40 & two boys 11 and 9] and everyone in our group thought this was the absolute best adventure that we went on in our 14 days of travel. We met Dallas in Talkeetna and he drove us to his home, where we were introduced to more mushers and the dogs--the wonderful dogs! One of the main factors in choosing this company was the fact that visitors were allowed to meet and play with the dogs, all of which were incredibly friendly. My 9 year old was in absolute heaven, especially since we got to play with the puppies too!! Mushing the dogs was awesome!! ...much easier than I imagined. I really liked the philosophy behind this company and you can tell that everyone we met really enjoyed their job. Dallas was incredibly humble and really took pride in sharing his knowledge. This will definitely be on our agenda the next time we come up!!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Thank you for joining us, it really is a tour that any age can appreciate. We look forward to your next visit.

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