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Музеј Витни и улазница Едварда Хопера у Њујорку

Музеј Витни је њујоршки дом модерне и савремене уметности Сједињених Држава. Смештен у живописном Меатпацкинг дистрикту Менхетна, Музеј представља радове живих уметника поред омиљених Едварда Хопера, Џорџије О'Киф, Џејкоба Лоренса, Александра Колдера и многих других.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sun 12 Jan
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Sun 12 Jan
Са почетком у $25.00
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Улазница за Музеј америчке уметности Витни
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Њујорк <бр>Гансеворт 99,
Молимо замените овај Виатор ваучер на пријемном шалтеру Вхитнеи.
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Бебе морају да седите у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Маске за лице потребне су путницима у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Вхитнеи-јев највећи приоритет је здравље и добробит наших посетилаца и особља. Предузимамо појачане мере предострожности за вашу безбедност, укључујући: рад са смањеним капацитетом; побољшање мера чишћења; спровођење дневних здравствених прегледа особља; и захтева од особља да носи маске за лице.
Шта да очекујете
Музеј америчке уметности Витни
Као еминентна институција посвећена уметности Сједињених Држава, Музеј америчке уметности Витни представља читав низ 20. века и савремене америчке уметности, са посебним фокусом на дела живих уметника. Витни је посвећен прикупљању, очувању, тумачењу и излагању америчке уметности, а њена колекција - најбољи фонд америчке уметности двадесетог века на свету - је њен кључни ресурс. Изложба Музеја, Бијенале, водећи је преглед најновијих дешавања у америчкој уметности у земљи. Дизајнирана од стране архитекте Ренца Пиана и смештена између Хигх Лине-а и реке Хадсон, нова зграда Витни-ја увелико повећава изложбени и програмски простор Музеја, пружајући најопсежнији поглед на његову непревазиђену колекцију модерне и савремене америчке уметности. Уживајте у култним делима Едварда Хопера, Џексона Полака и Џорџије О'Киф у галеријама испуњеним природним светлом и панорамским погледима на Менхетн на отвореним палубама за посматрање Музеја. Витни вам жели добродошлицу у Меатпацкинг Дистрицт, кварт од 20 квадратних блокова са ужурбаном заједницом уметника, галерија, ресторана и ноћног живота. Музеј је удаљен неколико корака од Хај лајна, тржнице Челси и неколико минута хода од Гринич Вилиџа, где је Музеј основала Гертруда Вандербилт Витни 1930. године.
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Nov 2015
In addition to wonderful art, the building itself is worth the visit. There is a spacious balcony on each level with outdoor seating and stairs that connect the floors. The exhibits were all captivating. The one I enjoyed most was of works by the artist Motley who captured a sense of the jazz community and others during the 30's? There is a pleasant restaurant on an upper level and a cafe on the ground floor. The "new" museum is on Gansevoort St. which will take on new meaning for anyone who has read or is reading the novel Rules of Civility. It is also located at an entrance to the Highline Park, and it is not far from Chelsea Market.
Nov 2015
Renzo Piano did an amazing job on the architecture of this unique building and museum. We approached the building from the High Line path, (walking South from 14th Street) and then took an elevator down to the ground floor to enter. For a relatively new attraction in the city, the line up was minimal, so we were pleased about that. Entrance prices are high, though, $25.00 and $18.00 for Seniors and Students. Daily Tours are included with admission if one chooses to see the Museum that way. Audio Guides are also available. As advised, we started on the top floor, the 8th and worked our way down. A huge attraction is the spectacular deck on the top floor with its magnificent views of Lower Manhattan and New Jersey. It would have been lovely to have lunch out there, given the beautiful sunny day, but time did not permit us. Also, we wanted to focus on the interior. We enjoyed the special exhibit of Archibald Motley - Jazz Age Modernist, in the Hurst Family Galleries, whereby he examines modern life in Chicago, Paris and Mexico. We then moved to the 7th floor, which contains selections from the Museum's Collection, ranging from 1912 to the mid 1960's. Some of the artists we saw were Alexander Calder, Edward Hopper, Lee Krasner, Georgia O'Keeffe and Jackson Pollock. The 6th floor contains selections from 1952 to the late 1970's with works by artists Jay DeFeo, Donald Judd, Claes Oldenburg, Ed Ruscha and Andy Warhol. At the time we went, the 5th floor was closed; preparing for an exhibit by Frank Stella and Rachel Rose. The 4th floor is off limits as it contains administration offices, as does the 2nd floor. The 3rd floor contains the Susan and John Hess Family Gallery and Theatre as well as the Laurie M. Tisch Education Centre, while the 1st floor contains selections from the Museum's collection ranging from 1900 to 1935; drawings, portraits, sculpture and photography. For a grand building of that size and scope, I was surprized and disappointed that there was not more exhibition space. I cannot say I was 'wowed' by the contents of the museum, but in all fairness, I am more of a Traditionalist in taste. Nevertheless, the Whitney Museum of American Art is an important Museum that should be seen by all. The fact that Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney founded the Whitney Studio Club in 1918 and it has now evolved to this, is indeed an accomplishment.
Nov 2015
Like other reviewers, I found the building to be fantastic. It looks so huge from the outside but is very navigable once inside. Lots of elevators make it easy to get from floor to floor and the art work well placed so that you're not craning to see what you want to. I had never heard of Archibald Motely and enjoyed seeing the diversity of his paintings that covered two decades of his work. The next 2 floors (6 & 7) featured the Whitney's collection of American art work. It's a great collection however, there were only one or two painting by each artist. I suppose that people who have not seen many American artists would enjoy these "samples" but most all of them looked "familiar" to me. The 5th floor was closed in preparation for the Frank Stella retrospective and the 3rd floor (there is no 4th and I think it might be because of the height of 5th floor) is a theatre and an education center. All-in-all, I enjoyed my time in the museum but probably would not go back unless there was a special exhibit that I absolutely had to see.

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